

1、Chicks are into unicorns.『4words』

2、We are unicorns, we can do!『6words』

3、I could imagine a world with unicorns.『7words』

4、The thing that unicorns are made of.『7words』

5、It doesn't mean I think unicorns are physically possible.『9words』



6、But it's worth it, because unicorns eat your nightmares.『9words』

7、I'll be a lost glade in which unicorns still play.『10words』

8、Like unicorns and an NFL collective bargaining agreement, they don't exist.『11words』

9、It doesn't conjure any unicorns. It doesn't make someone love you back.『12words』

10、I can tell you that unicorns are not cats but unicorns don't meow.『13words』



11、Dances of dragons, unicorns, and lions ensure good luck for the coming year.『13words』

12、“It was like unicorns and rainbows, flower-filled meadows, " he says with a smirk.『14words』

13、Save me from the lion's mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns.『17words』

14、Today, I came home from work to find my five year old daughter drawing unicorns on the wall.『18words』

15、The only reason abstinence promoters don't tell everyone about this is because then we'd run out of unicorns.『18words』

16、Talking about morality if there are no moral facts is like talking about unicorns if there aren't any unicorns.『19words』

17、One of them, Firenze, tells him that it is Voldemort who attacked the unicorns and is after the Stone (PS15).『20words』

18、Head to this site to look up all-vowel words, magic words, magic archetypes, how to identify unicorns and other odd material.『21words』

19、This is my little secret. It's a secret because it sounds like magic fairy dust and flying unicorns, and generally makes me sound crazy.『24words』

20、Phoenix, like the dragons and unicorns loved by Orientals, is a legendary animal, which has been beautified with goodwill and processed with combination of body.『25words』



21、But it bears mention that Unicorns possibly have silvery blood as well, judging by descriptions of bloodstains in the forest when the unicorns were being killed.『26words』

22、I expected a band of unicorns to prance through the streets, for archangels to play trumpets, for a spontaneous firework show. It wasn't really like that.『26words』

23、Wailuocheng has three holes in Zhumen, double eaves in the gate building, overlaid with yellow tiles, with chiseled landscapes, flowers, dragons and phoenixes, unicorns, hippocampus, dragons and snakes.『28words』

24、This wine is made from the stamens of a hundred flowers and the sap of ten thousand trees mixed with the marrow of unicorns and fermented with phoenix milk『29words』

25、KJV] And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness.『30words』

26、Boston on Monday having lunch and later, stopping by a children's boutique called The Fairy Shop and emerging a short time later with two fluffy unicorns, according to the Daily Mail.『31words』

27、The Arctic mammals, known as "sea unicorns" thanks to their single long tusks, also transmitted measurements for the winter layer of surface water that shields sea ice from the warmer waters below.『32words』

28、For centuries, people searched for them, because it was believed that thier horns or thier blood would have magical medicinal qualities, and these characteristics of unicorns do come into play in the stories.『33words』

