

1、Tending to delude.『3words』

2、delude oneself with false hopes『5words』

3、delude sb with empty promises『5words』

4、To deceive by guile; delude.『5words』

5、Deceive, delude or fool sb『5words』



6、We delude ourselves that we are in control.『8words』

7、Fraudulent ads that delude consumers into sending in money.『9words』

8、Don't delude yourself into believing that she will marry you.『10words』

9、Newspapers delude themselves into thinking that readers read nothing else.『10words』

10、The ability to delude yourself may be an important survival tool.『11words』



11、We should not delude ourselves into thinking the dean was an honest man.『13words』

12、Col. 2:4 This I say that no one may delude you with persuasive speech.『14words』

13、A contract or authorise permitting a regional distributor to use the study and delude products of added company.『18words』

14、Its function is to spread a bemusing mist that conceals realities: to delude, to distort and to divert.『18words』

15、Do not delude yourselves in believing that her movements will be unrelated to that which you have contributed.『18words』

16、If you want something, save your own money and don't delude your relatives and friends into buying it for you.『20words』

17、“They delude people into thinking that these things are healthy," and they often eat more than is wise, she said.『20words』

18、Usually, what we forget is insipidity, what we pretend is weakness, what we avoid is mistakes, what we delude is happiness.『21words』

19、Whatever we do, we should never delude ourselves into believing that gifted children or geniuses are different from the rest of humanity.『22words』

20、Most people tend to delude themselves into thinking that freedom comes from doing what feels good or what foster comfort and ease.『22words』



21、Although we were all great friends it would be idle for us to delude ourselves that we saw eye to eye on all matters.『24words』

22、“If political and military leaders of western Europe do not speak out we will delude our people into a false sense of security," he said.『25words』

23、They delude you in such a way that you need not be violently forced into anything; you will accept the values portrayed by the image as your own and act accordingly.『31words』

24、Here was a man whom she thoroughly liked, who exercised an influence over her, sufficient almost to delude her into the belief that she was possessed of a lively passion for him.『32words』

25、Jeans are the epitome of casual wear so that very often clubs which wish to delude themselves that they are smart and high class will require their patrons not to wear these clothes.『33words』

26、To start, you’re going to need to take off some of the masks you wear — especially those you wear that delude yourself into thinking you’re a different person than you really are.『33words』

27、He counts the money by dipping up saliva. Zhao Jinlian feels embarrassed and grabs the money to cast it upon in the Kang. "Dad. It doesn't show from the front. Does the Wang delude us."『35words』

28、The rain happened on June 12 in the solar calendar, nearly a month after the emperor hiked the Temple of Heaven to pray for rain, but no one dared to delude that it was not the result of the Holy Heart touching God.『43words』

