

1、tainan "peddler" noodle ;rice noodle『5words』

2、An old peddler drifted in.『5words』

3、A peddler of devotional literature.『5words』

4、The peddler sold his wares cheap.『6words』

5、That vegetable peddler often gives short measure.『7words』



6、He rigged himself out as a peddler.『7words』

7、The peddler tried to sell me some small articles.『9words』

8、The one time peddler of encyclopedias door to do.『9words』

9、The bear voice of that peddler arrange rings out repeatedly.『10words』

10、 The peddler tried to sell me some small articles.『10words』



11、Speaking in the Shaanxi dialect, Xia asked the peddler, "How much?""『11words』

12、One who sells wares or provisions in the street;a peddler or hawker.『12words』

13、The peddler peddled the booth and shouted, and the children ran around the street alley.『15words』

14、How did a peddler of cheap shirts and fishing rods become the mightiest corporation in America?『16words』

15、During day time, the thief disguised himself as a peddler who collects garbage, and cased the site.『17words』

16、The man thanked the peddler and walked away towards the hill and eventually disappeared out of sight.『17words』

17、In terms of friendship, the world seems to be a small peddler who can only sell sporadic friendship.『18words』

18、The leader of the patrol was satisfied with Stephen's story of being a peddler hurrying home to his family.『19words』

19、When the peddler had left, all that remained were his bedding-roll and the old clothes on the bare brick-bed.『19words』

20、 Confucius said that he badgered the peddler to buy her an ice-cream cone and waved goodbye to the peddler satisfactorily.『21words』



21、In the early 1930's, there was a food peddler named li Bao, who lived by selling bean jelly and soup noodles.『21words』

22、In the morning of the second day, at the back door of Jin Wangfu, as usual every morning, a peddler came to deliver vegetables.『24words』

23、Despite nationwide strikes in France, Louis Vuitton, a peddler of posh handbags, does not have sufficient stock to cater to the sudden increase in demand.『25words』

24、The king said to Sima Ziqi, "I think Tu Yang Yue's views and ideas are very insightful though he is a peddler who slays and sells mutton in the market."『30words』

25、At the beginning of the opening of the national gate, Li Hongzhang was like a peddler who lost all his blood at once and wanted to get back all his gambling money.『32words』

26、I woke up like a dream, without hesitation, and took out bundles of stuffed land from my bag. I was like a peddler distributing leaflets in the street. I thanked them with a nod and a waist and put money into their hands.『43words』

27、I met a village woman at the corner with a bamboo basket hanging on her arm. She was a peddler Hawking along the street. She said that the Hawking was not very accurate and silent. She just opened the bamboo basket for you to see. She was a tea seller.『50words』

28、如果我再次成为一个展望人生的年轻人,我不会选择成为一个科学家、学者或是教师。我宁可去做一个水管工或是小贩,盼望着在当前的环境里,可以找到些许*自主的空间。原文:If I would be a young man again and had to decide how to make my living, I would not try to become a scientist or scholar or teacher. I would rather choose to be a plumber or a peddler in the hope to find that modest degree of independence st『51words』

