

1、They have clashing personalities.『4words』

2、Destitution clashing with high technology.『5words』

3、They rushed together, clashing their horns.『6words』

4、There are clashing international jurisdictions too.『6words』

5、The outlandish costume screamed with clashing colors.『7words』



6、clashing interests of loggers and conservationists; clashing colors.『8words』

7、And far from clashing cultures, they're all working together.『9words』

8、Name clashing isn't just an issue with third-party code.『9words』

9、There are no clashing curmudgeons in a bee swarm.『9words』

10、Tagged bins and rubbish inspections are "un-British", clashing with cherished ideas about privacy.『13words』



11、These clashing perspectives permeated the Middle East dispute and prevented any real bargaining.『13words』

12、This communication breakdown was caused by two stubborn wills clashing with each other.『13words』

13、However, C++ still allowed global data and global functions, so clashing was still possible.『14words』

14、Our cases of clashing ends bring us to the question of minimizing social costs.『14words』

15、Eventually they will have to find a compromise; though, alas, few of their clashing solutions currently make sense.『18words』

16、This reinforced my belief that pseudo has to try hard to avoid clashing with names used by anything else.『19words』

17、The pedestrians ranged themselves against the walls; then the trampling of horses and the clashing of steel were heard.『19words』

18、such as Jingyun dagu in the Beijing and Tianjin area, and Lihua dagu, which used the clashing of plowshares.『19words』

19、Bundles are JAR components with extra manifest headers, and can exist as multiple versions that can be installed and run without clashing.『22words』

20、 A meal was tasteless, and they were both silent, listening only to the sound of spoons and chopsticks clashing with dishes and bowls.『24words』



21、A percussion instrument consisting of a concave brass plate that makes a loud clashing tone when hit with a drumstick or when used in pairs.『25words』

22、Terrorists killed nearly 3,000 people by clashing planes into the World Trade Center in New York city, the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia and rural Shanksville, Pennsylvania.『26words』

23、So if the server is using 2.0 and your legacy app used 1.x, you can ensure no clashing will occur, and your app USES the proper version.『27words』

24、Our city is taking pain to introduce the Carrefour in, every official extremely busy on that plan. What should I do?Boycott?Then I will be clashing with our party and country.『30words』

25、If you don't declare a tunnel parameter because it is not used in that template, then you don't have to worry about its name clashing with any variable reference in that template.『32words』

26、Party time: Kate proves she loves a good spot of fancy dress, taking the theme of 80s rollerdisco to the max in a clashing combination at this fund-raiser she organised with pal Holly Branson.『34words』

27、Leaping into the air, she kicks high and soaps one of her feet as she spins『旋转字』, pirouetting『用脚尖旋转字』 to avoid the sword blow of her male opponent, all the while winging in time to wailing『如歌如泣的;悲恸的字』 Chinese violins, thunderous『雷鸣般的;打雷般的字』 drums and clashing cymbals.『41words』

28、The lilacs in the courtyard outside the house also carry many bright red and yellow leaves. The sound of dead leaves and branches can be heard clearly. First, there is a small and crisp breaking sound, then a clashing sound against the branches, and finally a clapping sound falling on the empty steps.『53words』

