

1、Yunnan draws holiday takers『4words』

2、Uncle Sam's census takers do.『5words』

3、Two ticket takers took a taxi.『6words』

4、If they can find willing takers, that is.『8words』

5、Test takers with disabilities may request a time extension.『9words』



6、The college entrance exam takers understand that more than most.『10words』

7、Hostages and hostage takers trapped by seige, and some surprising things unfold.『12words』

8、Also in the Mediterranean, a team of census-takers discovered a living fossil.『12words』

9、One common trait among risk-takers is that they enjoy strong feelings or sensations.『13words』

10、But there are plenty of reasons for risk-takers to salivate over the region.『13words』



11、Evaluation on the quality of life of care-takers of children with HIV/AIDS in Anhui,China『14words』

12、Test takers with disabilities may request additional time to read the passage and write the response.『16words』

13、Among the takers is Masende Landu, a softly spoken 52-year-old Congolese-born cab driver from north London.『16words』

14、Census takers will have a flashcard containing a sentence about the 2010 Census written in approximately 50 languages.『18words』

15、In their own eyes they are proud, resourceful, energetic risk-takers at the cutting edge of a social revolution.『18words』

16、You may wonder why, if adolescents have such enhanced capacity for anxiety, they are such novelty seekers and risk takers.『20words』

17、Check that all assignment takers are present. The assignment takers include Timer, Grammarian/Ah counter, Table Topic Master, General Evaluator and prepared speech speakers.『23words』

18、Also, all of the researcher-taken photos were rated higher than the selfie photos. Plus, the selfie-takers were rated significantly higher on the narcissism scale.『24words』

19、Good schemes will do more than funnel money from latecomers to early takers, allowing the foremost to prosper at the expense of the hindmost.『24words』

20、In Britain the Big Issue magazine, designed to give homeless people something to sell instead of begging, has found eager takers among foreign Romanies.『24words』



21、They were able to hold out because Argentina's bonds had no "collective-action clause" forcing everyone to participate if it reached a threshold of takers.『24words』

22、The Special Duties Unit, the Force's counter-terrorist response unit, was deployed several times during the year to help other units tackle armed gangs and hostage-takers.『25words』

23、The TOEFL and GRE online registration sites offer test takers a drop-down list of countries. User-friendly menus help test takers quickly identify the test center location of their choice.『29words』

24、Father of Exam Taker, said, "Nowadays, everything seems to have been adjusted to make way for the exam takers, including those from the traffic control center and the medical staff."『30words』

25、Investigators said that the hostage-takers were highly trained and organised - laying mines in the school corridors and around the gym, and bringing with them sniffer dogs and gas masks.『30words』

26、If you tried to sell it formore, there would be no takers, because the property would then offer anexpected rate of return lower than the 12 percent available in the stockmarket.『31words』

27、They noted that he showed abnormal behaviors resulting from his hand-rearing and fame, such as swaying too and fro and holding a paw to his face in imitation of picture takers.『31words』

28、In pilot and field studies, test takers took both the existing TOEIC test and the new test. Statistical analysis of the results confirmed that the difficulty level of the two tests was equivalent.『33words』


上一篇:action movie造句,用action movie怎么造句子(28句)