

1、debtors sharing an obligation『4words』

2、receive payment from one's debtors『5words』

3、Creditors have better memories than debtors.『6words』

4、The Banks' troubled debtors are also different.『7words』

5、Creditors and debtors resolve their differences informally.『7words』



6、Updating of ageing and compiling of debtors status.『8words』

7、He notes: "We abolished debtors' prisons some time ago."『9words』

8、Creditors have better memories than debtors.--Benjamin Franklin. American president『9words』

9、And France is sorely exposed to the euro zone's troubled debtors.『11words』

10、Partial payment without seller agreement is a typical technique debtors often attempt.『12words』



11、The trouble is that the sponsors of the bailout fund are themselves big debtors.『14words』

12、The creditor nations could boost domestic demand, to provide a bigger market for debtors' exports.『15words』

13、A system by which debtors are bound in servitude to their creditors until their debts are paid.『17words』

14、Recently financiers have lengthened their grace periods, hoping that debtors will get their payments back on track.『17words』

15、Also, the money received will then be offset against the trade debtors and reflected in the bank account.『18words』

16、Another was Australia, which became a penal colony now that America was no longer available for prisoners and debtors.『19words』

17、LOW interest rates are intended to ease the burden on debtors, discourage saving, encourage spending and thereby revive the economy.『20words』

18、Will not your debtors suddenly arise? Will they not wake up and make you tremble? Then you will become their victim.『21words』

19、The right enjoyed by a creditor against the debtor's guarantor and all the joint-and-several debtors shall not be affected by the reorganization plan.『23words』

20、The loss of sovereignty would be more acceptable to debtors if the creditors were to accept the need, eventually, to issue joint Eurobonds.『23words』



21、For the debtors, because more and more saving deposits flowed into bond and stock markets, the increase of saving deposits in Banks slowed down.『24words』

22、It kept interest rate at zero to decrease debtors' carrying cost to zero and allowed them to pay down debts gradually over a decade.『24words』

23、Article 101 the right enjoyed by the creditor in favor of the compromise against the debtor's guarantor and joint-and-several debtors shall not be affected by the compromise agreement.『28words』

24、The structure used in the bonds—a Netherlands registration and an agreement to take disputes to court in New York—was determined to be untenable and unenforceable against Indonesian debtors.『28words』

25、Assuming, accordingly, that, at some point of time, a state of over-indebtedness exists, this will tend to lead to liquidation, through the alarm either of debtors or creditors or both.『30words』

26、And this conflict of interests was at work within every gentile body, appearing in its most extreme form in the association of rich and poor, usurers and debtors, in the same gens and the same tribe.『36words』

27、Article63 Upon dissolution of the partnership, the original partners shall be jointly and severally liable for the debts incurred by the partnership in its duration, provided that the liability shall terminate if the creditors fail to make a claim against the debtors within5 years.『44words』

28、“Under all circumstances, if Party B is in arrears with any amount payable to Party A hereunder, Party B hereby acknowledges and agrees that Party A exercise the subrogation right to claim the debts owed to Party B by any of Party B's debtors"『44words』

