

1、an unmarked police car『4words』

2、But an option was an unmarked grave.『7words』

3、He was buried in an unmarked grave.『7words』

4、Her shoes are still white and unmarked.『7words』

5、The evening passed quietly, unmarked by any thing extraordinary.『9words』



6、A few cops prowled in marked and unmarked cars.『9words』

7、The watermark is extracted without the original unmarked image.『9words』

8、At one point he handed the assembled notables unmarked brown envelopes.『11words』

9、I wanted to leave my footprints on sand unmarked before I came.『12words』

10、He had a good mind-bright, attentive studious, unmarked by originality or inventiveness.『12words』



11、He had seen them come out and get into the unmarked police car.『13words』

12、” one shopkeeper asked, proudly pointing out her ample supply of discs packed in unmarked white boxes.『17words』

13、In a recent study, researchers gave children chicken nuggets in an unmarked container or in McNuggets packaging.『17words』

14、One day, while CICIG agents were canvassing the neighborhood, they detected an unmarked vehicle following their car;『17words』

15、I just saw Inzaghi was unmarked so I found the right time to throw the ball to him.『18words』

16、And yet, she herself is still in silent agony mourning over that unmarked war grave in faraway East Africa.『19words』

17、Suddenly Spaniards found that thousands, or tens of thousands, of Francoist victims lay in unmarked graves scattered around the countryside.『20words』

18、Time is like a seemingly unmarked carving knife. This scene is depicted and the thoughts are put on the backpack of the journey.『23words』

19、 At the end of the western spiral arm of the Milky Way, in the unmarked silent void, hangs an unnoticed little yellow sun.『24words』

20、Taller than most of the other leaders, his face was smooth and unmarked, with a shock of unruly black hair, parted in the middle.『24words』



21、On the whole, the learners did better in the unmarked meanings and functions than the marked ones, suggesting that the unmarked is easier to be learned.『26words』

22、Geremi provided another perfect cross for the Ivorian to steal in unmarked and fire the ball past Foster. Drogba's tally now stands at14 for the season.『26words』

23、Recent studies show that markedness is an essential factor determining the order of second language acquisition, and that learners tend to acquire unmarked language items before marked ones.『28words』

24、Dressed in civilian clothes and driving an unmarked car, he tickets everyone from litterbugs to people handing out unauthorized flyers to Parisians who don't pick up after their dog.『29words』

25、The next month Brian who has the all-American look of a high-school quarterback moved into an unmarked office on the first floor of the C.I.A.’s printing plant in Langley Virginia.『30words』

26、The unmarked trail crossed the saddle where the canyon rose to meet the ridge, and appeared to connect with the Sunday Mountain face, and then head upwards - at a sharp incline.『32words』

27、Ki Sung-yong's seventh-minute free kick went over a group of players and to an unmarked Lee Jung-soo at the far post to tap in and convert South Korea's first chance on goal.『32words』

28、Of course, there were empty chairs and babies who would never see their fathers' faces and unmarked graves by lonely Virginia creeks and in the still mountains of Tennessee, but was that too great a price to pay for such a Cause?『42words』

