

1、Inclined to flaunt;ostentatious.『3words』

2、flaunt one's riches in public『5words』

3、his behavior was an outrageous flaunt.『6words』

4、I do not like flaunt wealthy students.『7words』

5、They so love to flaunt their work.『7words』



6、The baseballer flaunt his cup to his friends.『8words』

7、Besides that, Barcelona has a glorious past to flaunt.『9words』

8、Applications that flaunt these rules are automatically rejected by Microsoft.『10words』

9、buying expensive services and products in order to flaunt your wealth.『11words』

10、And it’s not an externally observable characteristic unless you want to flaunt it.『13words』



11、One secret he learned very early on was not to flaunt his success.『13words』

12、Let me flaunt the banner of absolute sincerity, to capture your heart, I love you!『15words』

13、Once you have a bit of success don’t flaunt it but let other people know.『15words』

14、From time to time, red-and-green carriages flaunt through the open streets, attracting pedestrians to stop and watch.『17words』

15、Not want to flaunt, nor symbolization only, but want to realize European love knot deep in heart.『17words』

16、This is different compared to India where people flaunt their riches and share their accomplishments with everybody else.『18words』

17、Set with Golden Shadow crystal pave and black epoxy, the gold-plated earrings beautifully flaunt the stripes of a tiger.『19words』

18、Store owners will tell you horror stories about shoppers with attitude, who walk in demanding discounts and flaunt their new power at every turn.『24words』

19、Many little friends circled a lot of news about snow in the first time among their friends. They were amazed, joyful and full of flaunt.『25words』

20、It explained the Hutts' need to flaunt Twi 'lek dancers and other glamorous humanoids, so radically, physically different that no Hutt could possibly have found them attractive.『27words』



21、It was 1993, and the beauty best known for showing off string bikinis in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues had just been asked to flaunt foot warmers.『27words』

22、One of the most powerful displays consists of Milk's suit and shoes, placed in a transparent case in a way that reveals but does not flaunt the bloodstains.『28words』

23、Eddie was always low-key and afraid of being recognized, but I liked to flaunt the market, but we all showed our true selves and had a good time.『28words』

24、There’s definitely an element of “if you’ve got it flaunt it” to the nude-curious movement, and my friend Azra is quite upfront about not wanting to be naked around any “fat, ugly people”.『33words』

25、They have heard and read much of love, and they know that it comes to all. They play it like a toy; they flaunt it as a boy flaunts his first cigarette. 他们玩弄爱情,就像摆弄一个玩具,他们夸耀自己恋爱的经历,就像男孩抽了第一支香*而洋洋得意。『33words』

26、According to the research of Professor Xiao Zhuoji from Beijing University , some local governments in China, disregarding actual economic conditions, report artificially high growth rates to save face and flaunt a desired prosperity.『34words』

27、No one believes this nod to equality — pay disparities are greater than ever, and the reverence shown to the top person is rising — but now it is vulgar to flaunt status through furniture.『35words』

28、A few days later, Fang Hung-chien also received a letter from his father-in-law, which said in effect: "A worthy son-in-law like you with talent and learning and a reputation extending far and wide does not need to flaunt a Ph.D.『40words』

