

1、Give them an apple apiece.『5words』

2、These cakes are five cents apiece.『6words』

3、Entire roast chickens were sixty cents apiece.『7words』

4、Brian Buston and Neil Carmody scored two apiece.『8words』

5、But nowadays they often exceed 10,000 words apiece.『8words』



6、Okay, 15 pounds apiece-- 60 pounds we have up there.『10words』

7、The preferred shares have a liquidation preference of $1,000 apiece.『10words』

8、The shares traded as high as $159.36 apiece in the last 12 months.『13words』

9、“Toy Story 3," "The Fighter" and "Alice in Wonderland" all won two apiece.『13words』

10、Yet three of them got eight years apiece. Two are still in jail.『13words』



11、They are selling them for $10 apiece at a few stores in Texas and Oklahoma.『15words』

12、EIGHT years ago Apple launched iTunes, a digital store selling music singles for 99 cents apiece.『16words』

13、A study on apiece time H/L ratio of ~(99)Tc~m-MIBI in diagnosis of cirrhosis with portal-systemic shunt『16words』

14、A crow had stolen apiece of meat ahd sat on a tree branch ready to eat it.『17words』

15、With aircraft carriers costing up to $5 billion apiece, $1 trillion would, in theory, buy 200 of them.『18words』

16、But there aren’t many of these displays on the market, and they would also cost Apple about $400 apiece.『19words』

17、This has reduced their price from $40 to $12 apiece and made them competitive with less powerful nickel-cadmium batteries.『19words』

18、Visitors wanting to enter immediately can jump to the front of the line by paying 400 dirhams ($109) apiece.『19words』

19、The space shuttle, for instance, carries more than 3.8 million pounds of expensive propellant—even empty, its two solid boosters weigh 193,000 pounds apiece.『23words』

20、Every one had four faces apiece, and every one four wings; and the likeness of the hands of a man was under their wings.『24words』



21、Lk. 9:3 And he said to them, Take nothing for the journey, neither a staff nor a bag nor bread nor money, nor have two tunics apiece.『27words』

22、Pilots can fly above a war zone and drop thousands of small wireless sensors, the size of a small pebble and costing a dollar apiece, over the terrain.『28words』

23、In the first place, that stuff bores me, and in the second place, my parents would have about two hemorrhages apiece if I told anything pretty personal about them.『29words』

24、“No, I haven't forgotten," said Wu Sun-fu gloomily, "but the loss won't work out at more than eighty thousand dollars apiece, and we can write that off as `military expenses."'『30words』

25、Legrand SA fell 2.8 percent to 24.41 euros after KKR &Co. LP and Wendel sold a 9 percent stake in the French maker of electrical switches and plugs at 23.95 euros apiece.『32words』

26、With one hand at thirty meters and a dead run, two shots apiece, each a hit to the head or neck, what the holy hell are my guys even aiming at back there—shit.『33words』

27、They scored all 12 of Miami's points in overtime; Bosh and Wade had five apiece after James' fallaway jumper on the Heat's first possession of the extra period gave them the lead for good.『34words』

28、There is what is known as the Tianshan antelope, the snow pheasant which is a rare delicacy, the roe deer whose meat is a treat to the most fastidious palate and deer and big- horn sheep that weigh over 50 kgs apiece.『42words』

