

1、(psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions.『5words』

2、clearing liver-fire and purging lung『5words』

3、The act of purging or purifying.『6words』

4、Consider, for example, the purging of data.『7words』

5、a purging medicine; stimulates evacuation of the bowels.『8words』



6、It has a special purging water discharge unit.『8words』

7、We are adjusting( installing, checking, aligning, leveling, purging) the equipment.『10words』

8、Bulimia is a vicious cycle of starvation, eating then purging.『10words』

9、Shopping is also deemed as cathartic activity, purging all your negative emotion.『12words』

10、Catharsis: In psychodynamic theory, the purging of strong emotions or the relieving of tensions.『14words』



11、The eating gave me comfort and the purging gave me some strange form of control.『15words』

12、Automation provided by GASGUARD systems ensures thorough and complete purging of the gas delivery system.『15words』

13、Since the 4 tables contain related information, the purging of information should be performed carefully.『15words』

14、A record for each edition that passed through one of the following statuses: purging, canceling, retrying, interrupted.『17words』

15、Surprisingly, 46.4% of patients visiting Pro-recovery web sites also learned new techniques for losing weight or purging.『17words』

16、The paper overviews the insulation, purging, and steps of hot work for long distance pipeline and pumping st...『18words』

17、After purging with nitrogen gas and cooling to 80. degree. C, the contents of the reactor are bottled.『18words』

18、American officials have pushed for its near nationalisation, the purging of managers and a thorough inquiry into what went wrong.『20words』

19、These cables can maintain temperatures up to250° F(120° C) and will withstand150 psig saturated steam purging and intermittent temperature excursions to366° F(185° C).『23words』

20、The key, they report in a tantalizing new study, is purging the body of senescent cells - old "zombie" cells that no longer work as they should.『27words』



21、The practical experience shows that in the light of steam purging for supercritical once-through boiler, the superheater and reheater disturbance coefficients can reach 1.0 and 1.6 respectively.『27words』

22、Objective: To study the efficacy of purging the lung and removing phlegm and blood stasis method(泻肺化痰祛瘀法) on animal model of pulmonary hypertension induced by monocrotaline and explore its mechanism.『29words』

23、So some have noted, one scholar in particular has noted that the struggle with the angel is the final purging of the unsavory qualities of character that marked Jacob's past career.『31words』

24、The women with purging disorder said they felt much more full after the test meal, and they reported more stomach discomfort than the bulimic women and the women with no eating disorders.『32words』

25、The necessity of electric purging in plating the heat reflective glass is analyzed. A method for purging the glass is given, which is using the plasma to bombard the superficies of the glass.『33words』

26、But with the purging machine set in motion, the purges would have been expanded with the "Leningrad case" and the "doctor's case" cropping up one after another but for the passing of Stalin.『33words』

27、No doubt it is so, for very much of our LORD's purging work is done by means of afflictions of one kind or another. It is not the evil but the good who have the promise of tribulation in this life.『41words』

28、Returning to the capital, the Western Empress Dowager and Yisue jointly launched a coup d'etat of Xinyou, killing and purging, and realized the political ideal of the Queen Dowager of the two palaces hanging her curtain to listen to the government.『41words』

