

1、当计数值成为零时,信号对象的状态成为non - signaled『3words』

2、The airplane signaled for help.『5words』

3、The ship signaled Back a negative.『6words』

4、We signaled a passing ship for help.『7words』

5、The defeat signaled the end of the war.『8words』



6、Kaplan has signaled strongly where his sympathies lie.『8words』

7、The director signaled to the actress to come forward.『9words』

8、The patrolman signaled for the speeding driver to pull over.『10words』

9、Some nations have signaled they are willing to adopt a tougher approach.『12words』

10、When the waiting thread is released, the state is reset to non-signaled state.『13words』



11、The government has signaled that it will"gradually" levy tax on holding of property.『13words』

12、Two guests waved to the waiteress and signaled her to take their order.『13words』

13、With blanched cheeks, she signaled her mother to come inside the door of a vacant room.『16words』

14、If Clinton balked, Nunn signaled that he would let Coats proceed with his antigay resolution in the Senate.『18words』

15、Neurons in that brain region showed activity that signaled depth perception even in the absence of other cues.『18words』

16、Lin Fei didn't mind. He watched Liu Xiang enjoy himself for half a day and signaled Zhang Shusen to start.『20words』

17、They’d stayed silent during his confrontation with the seneschal, but each member had listened with an intensity that signaled comprehension.『20words』

18、As I mentioned in an earlier post on the Deal Professor, Mr. Madoff's guilty plea signaled the end of the beginning.『21words』

19、as they simultaneously signaled the death knell of many species of migratory animals as well as served up noise and air pollution.『22words』

20、Wanli raised his hand slightly and signaled Fang to come forward from the philosopher. Two cloudy tears came out of his eyes.『22words』



21、Then four dings signaled an oncoming train, red beacons flashed from posts on either side of the tracks, and the railroad gates dropped down.『24words』

22、Melana pulled Xiao Qiu and ran up to the top of the mountain in one breath. She pointed in one direction and signaled excitedly to Xiao Qiu.『27words』

23、Thus it signaled that something urgent was afoot when David Cameron's director of communications, Craig Oliver, began clambering about on a cramped flight out of Kabul on July 5th.『29words』

24、The word "sensuous" had the effect of further disquieting Tom, but before he could invent a protest the coupe came to a stop, and Daisy signaled us to draw up alongside.『31words』

25、When an error is signaled in this fashion, UDDI will reject the pending change and return to the original caller the same SOAP fault data returned by the validation Web Service.『31words』

26、Cohesion, the main form of discoursal coherence, has traditionally been considered a grammatical and lexical device signaled by morphosyntactic cues such as reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction and lexical cohesion, which are apparently surface/ explicit cohesive devices.『36words』

27、 Seeing the anxious color between his eyebrows, I knew that he would come at this time only when something happened. So I signaled the palace man to step down and go to the inner hall, waiting for him to speak on his own.『44words』

28、It was the kind of card that put a lump in your throat and team in your eyes because you knew the person no longer was able to go out and buy a real valentine. It was a card that signaled this would be the last you would receive from him.『51words』

