

1、The inquiry elicited these facts.『5words』

2、The truth must be elicited by surprise.『7words』

3、After much questioning, he elicited the truth.『7words』

4、This joke elicited a fresh burst of applause.『8words』

5、Her tears elicited great sympathy from her audience.『8words』



6、At last we have elicited the truth from him.『9words』

7、The comedian's joke elicited applause and laughter from the audience.『10words』

8、It elicited the loudest gasps of appreciation from a knowledgeable crowd.『11words』

9、Conclusion gallium can alleviate the damage of osteocyte ultrastructure elicited by osteoporosis.『12words』

10、The abnormalities of mice chromosomes could be elicited by YAG solid laser irradiation.『13words』



11、Back came a cool letter from the editor that at least elicited Martin's admiration.『14words』

12、Accurate project planning can only be performed upon structured requirements, which are, generally, elicited through Elaboration.『16words』

13、The campaign elicited very large-scale an indictment of the deficiencies of existing policies and their executants.『16words』

14、Nonspecific barriers to fungal infection must be crossed, however, before specific immune responses to fungi are elicited.『17words』

15、The Oct. 5 death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs elicited a rare outpouring of grief among Chinese fans.『18words』

16、Gordon's describes how, when the small and powerless baby visits the classroom, overwhelmingly it is empathy that is elicited.『19words』

17、The remembered words elicited similar patterns at each repetition in 15 of the 20 brain regions that the researchers examined.『20words』

18、Methods: The antibody levels elicited by microsphere formulations in mice for 1 year were examined, and the bioavailability of microsphere formulations was calculated.『23words』

19、Undeserved bonuses, plunging share prices and government bail-outs, among other ills, have elicited the ire of the media and public-and created a bonanza for public-relations firms.『26words』

20、However, LDN in combination with cisplatin attenuated the toxicity of this chemotherapeutic agent, indicating that LDN was protective of the adverse events elicited by a chemotherapeutic drug.『27words』



21、Every tilt of the head, every smile and every move he made elicited screams of adoration from his fans and he knew just how to woo them.『27words』

22、Conclusion For healthy subjects Taixi and Zhongzhu point stimuli elicited more activation than periacupoint somatic stimuli. This finding can but contribute to the special effect of acupoint.『27words』

23、I was constantly amazed at the ridiculous topics raised by other people, especially by other girls, and I was equally amazed by the enthusiastic responses their ridiculousness elicited.『28words』

24、Since this exhibit elicited such support from donors and great public interest, arrangements were then made to travel the fragments to the New York Public Library where equal interest resulted.『30words』

25、The amplitude of N270 elicited in the conflict condition was enhanced in the repeated test at C3, C4 and P3 electrodes but its latency did not differ from the first test.『31words』

26、it is the rays of intelligence you have elicited from my brain, the languages you have implanted in my memory, and which have taken root there with all their philological ramifications.『31words』

27、“booster shot: an additional dose of an immunizing agent, such as a vaccine or toxoid, given at a time after the initial dose to sustain the immune response elicited by the previous dose of the same agent."『37words』

28、She was emotionally upset and wept repeatedly. She stated that her headaches were unbearable She vomited all fluids. Bone tenderness rather than muscle tenderness was elicited in the lower limbs. After three days in hospital her symptoms disappeared and she made a rapid recovery.『44words』

