

1、repress one's emotions [tears]『4words』

2、repress a revolt [riot]『4words』

3、He could hardly repress his tears.『6words』

4、Don't be afraid and don't repress.『6words』

5、Hence, to repress the vital is not a solution.『9words』



6、Conclusion: the magnetic field can repress the metal corrosion.『9words』

7、To save his life he could not repress a chuckle『10words』

8、By pushing aside unpleasant thoughts they merely repress these thoughts.『10words』

9、You have to repress the options when they get too low.『11words』

10、Did humans evolve this moral code to repress certain behaviors and promote others?『13words』



11、But you can not, it is not convenient to do so. So you repress it.『15words』

12、There is a consonance between beauty and goodness and to repress the one is to distort the other.『18words』

13、In short, SUMO helps the PRC1 complex repress genes, and SENP2 reverses this repression, allowing gene transcription and expression.『19words』

14、Yet children, also fearing their parents' punishment and the loss of parental love, come to repress most aggressive impulses.『19words』

15、“Here all we see is repression... weekly visits from Ibama, to arrest, fine, repress and even embargo areas," complained Noronha.『20words』

16、If you repress anything, it is not only the business of psychology, but of physiology, because you are not divided.『20words』

17、Any future budget agreement must balance need for thought to spending reduction as the wealthy among us and closing with tax repress.『22words』

18、Those who could not repress appropriately were repelled from the tribe or city, and did not fare well enough to propagate their genes.『23words』

19、To hold the ability for nation to intervene sea, the sea power should be able to repress the functions of military space system availably.『24words』

20、A microexpression is a brief, involuntary facial expression shown on the face of humans when one is trying to conceal or repress an emotion.『24words』



21、So many people (women in particular) doubt the validity of their feelings or repress their deepest longings because they think they're wrong to have them.『25words』

22、Tuan Chi-jui, Hsu Shih-chang, Tsao Kun, Wu Pei-fu and all the rest wanted to repress the people, but finally they were all overthrown by the people.『26words』

23、To isolate truly novel microorganisms, we must not only sample unusual habitats but also use cultivations that will repress the growth of common microorganisms and encourage the rare ones.『29words』

24、It is easy for someone to satisfy his every expectation, yet some people can repress his dream during his entire life. Remote distance, sorrow, happiness, what may we pray for?『30words』

25、IRF4, a member of the IRF family of transcription factors, is expressed in cells of the immune system where it transducers signals from various receptors to activate or repress gene expression.『31words』

26、Men have enormous capacities in them that they have to repress and fear in order to live up to the obsolete, brutal, bear-killing, Ernest Hemingway, crew-cut Prussian, napalm-all-the-children-in-Vietnam, bang-bang-you're-dead image of masculinity.『32words』

27、The stress upon a good life that must be consummated in this world has made atheists vigorous opponents of moral codes which seek to repress human impulses in the name of some unrealizable other-worldly ideal.『35words』

28、The plentiful full dream is past to make not intentionally to member of the down stairs Tom shows off the stirring sex appeal, this make Tom's itching to do and hard to carry on, freak, repress to the wild flower confusing sex imagination not to live constantly now.『48words』

