

1、Where is your cranium『4words』

2、Occurring or situated within the cranium.『6words』

3、Surgical removal of a portion of the cranium.『8words』

4、Repair of cranium exposure with cranium grinding and skin-grafting『9words』

5、A brainiac, with a cranium packed, full of more uranium.『10words』



6、Objective:To study artery supply the facial nerve in cranium part.『10words』

7、Plastic and repair surgery:repair of cranium and studies into artificial skin.『11words』

8、Dr Kristian Carlson said: "The actual brain residing within a cranium does not fossilise."『14words』

9、BACKGROUND: as cranium restoration substitute, titanium plate has been applied extensively for its better properties.『15words』

10、Objective To observe the occurring time of the primary ossification center of the fetus' cranium viscerale.『16words』



11、Objective to explore the operation effect of simple awl cranium drainage in treating chronic subdural hematoma.『16words』

12、The diseases included benign and malignant tumor, congenital disease, specific infection, which were all related to cranium.『17words』

13、To open the cranium and put the copper wire into the sinus cavernosus to thrombosis the fistulas;『17words』

14、The cranium of "Xuchang man":a recent explanation to modern human origin?--"Xuchang man" cranium s challenging international academic circles;『18words』

15、On the research of human cranium and head muscle, the definition of the facial feature points is given.『18words』

16、Wu Xinzhi: A well preserved cranium of archaic type of early Homo sapiens from Dali, China. Scientia Sinica24(4):530-543.『18words』

17、Results: the main causes of encephalic infarction in the youngster were hypertensive cerebral arteriosclerosis cranium trauma cerebral arteritis and drinking.『20words』

18、Stereotactic biopsy diagnosis for complex brain tumors by the calculation of "cranium point and 3D long axis in one line"『20words』

19、Results Micro-wound cones cranium clears the 25 examples of epidural hematoma and the result is satisfied, the expense is low.『20words』

20、The cranium brain damage caused by a fall has different medical jurisprudence characteristics to the cranium brain damage caused by other ways.『22words』



21、Erectus was on our side of a great divide-with an expanded cranium and an ecological niche defined by the use of tools.『22words』

22、Fracture of facial cranium bones often caused by direct force, but the fracture of temporal bone was common seen when suffer the distally transmitted force.『25words』

23、Conclusion Surgical treatment by open craniotomy for intracerebral hemorrhage in the basal ganglia do not excel aspiration by drilling cranium in the safety and aspiration by drilling cranium effectiveness.『29words』

24、The involved bones included cranium in 5, tibia and fibula in 4 and metatarsus in 3. After thorough debridement, all patients had partial defects of bone, skin and soft tissue.『30words』

25、Those include genes involved in energy metabolism, sperm motility, the development of the rib cage, collar bone and cranium, as well as genes that appear to be involved in cognition.『30words』

26、Later, thinking back on it, I couldn't blame him for it. But at that moment, seeing him with his long skirts and the little skull cap on his cranium, he looked so ridiculous that I burst out laughing.『38words』

27、The length of lines linking root of styloid to the structures under lateral skull base and asterion to the structures in posterior cranial fossa and the angles between these lines and median vector were measured in 40 cranium.『38words』

28、The result showed that the mandible of experiment rats rotated backward and downward with a deepened antegonial ontch and increased the mandibular plane angle, the hight of the lower and upper alveolar bone increased,but on magnificant influence to the cranium and maxillae.『42words』

