

1、As The world entered the sixties『6words』

2、resurrect an old dress from the sixties『7words』

3、Flower power was a product of the sixties.『8words』

4、The sixties were a time of theological ferment.『8words』

5、Long hair for men came in in the sixties.『9words』



6、He had three children, and lived on into his sixties.『10words』

7、In the sixties, that was the sum total of post-graduation anxiety syndrome.『12words』

8、She keeps very well and seems to look like sixties years oid.『12words』

9、Up to the sixties he had lived the life of a young man.『13words』

10、We need chiefly persons who graduated from college or university in the sixties.『13words』



11、As far as Nixon's supporters were concerned, the swinging sixties were the seething sixties.『14words』

12、At the time I was nineteen, and regarded myself as part of the sixties "youth counterculture".『16words』

13、A lot of people in their sixties feel much too young to be put out to grass.『17words』

14、In the early sixties, programmed learning was looked on as the pathway to mechanize the learning process.『17words』

15、The policies of the late forties, he said, were no longer "adequate" for the circumstances of the sixties.『18words』

16、I started to explain the term, spelling out its once obvious connection with the counter culture of the sixties.『19words』

17、But tests revealed he in fact had the lung function and aerobic fitness of a heavy smoker in his sixties.『20words』

18、To fortify the stronghold and break out the encirclement--SUNLi s description of humanity in his literal works of fifties and sixties『21words』

19、It is an institutional defect which was not evident in the sixties because we were then in the prime of life.『21words』

20、My grandmother is an old man in her sixties. She has short silk hair and bright eyes. Wrinkles have crept up her face quietly.『24words』



21、If you look at having a telephone, a home phone back in the nineteen fifties, sixties, seventies and eighties, it was exactly the same phone.『25words』

22、There are many similarities between Liverpool Football Club's modern day founding father and the man entrusted with bringing back the glory days of the sixties, seventies and eighties.『28words』

23、We peer back in time through decades of fickle journalism, national self-doubt, and social backlash, wondering if the dissenting politics of the sixties might simply have been another media fiction.『30words』

24、The older generation had mostly been wiped out in the great purges of the fifties and sixties, and the few who survived had long ago been terrified into complete intellectual surrender.『31words』

25、Geographic Information System(GIS) is a burgeon subject which was brought forward in the sixties of the twentieth century and developed from many subjectssuch as computer science, geography, informatics, environment science, manage science.『32words』

26、Or, for example, let's say you're Cher and you're getting in to your early sixties and you really can't hit that high note anymore; you can get electronically that particular sound to be enhanced.『34words』

27、 In the late sixties of Taigong, his hair was white, his head was covered with a warm dust hat, he was wearing a straight sewn sweater, with soap silk around his waist, and he was wearing ripe leather boots.『40words』

28、The daughter-in-law of my mother-in-law is also in her sixties. Because of high blood pressure and stroke, she walks staggeringly, seemingly unable to find a balance point. She struggles hard with one hand and feels powerless and unable to exert herself.『41words』

