

1、US wood exports hit new highs.『6words』

2、Annie: What are the "three highs"?『6words』

3、Copper and cotton have hit record highs.『7words』

4、absence of peaky highs and beefed-up bass.『7words』

5、Prices for raw materials are at record highs.『8words』



6、PEX? Insulator features low dielectric constant for clearer highs.『9words』

7、Prices — uncorrected for inflation — are now at record highs.『11words』

8、The Dow industrials has lately hit new highs with unusual frequency.『11words』

9、Silver moved to new highs but encountered a very long-term resistance level.『12words』

10、Under a booming economy, the Dow Jones industrial index is heading for unprecedented highs.『14words』



11、Rebecca:... Something's missing. We're stuck on cruise control, no highs, no lows. No passion.『14words』

12、Higher highs and higher lows mark an uptrend, lower highs and lower lows mark a downtrend.『16words』

13、Yields on French debt are now well above 4% and are at historic highs versus German bonds.『17words』

14、In contrast, the Euro witnessed a sharp reversal after making new highs for the year after ECB Pres.『18words』

15、The extended forecast through Friday: hot, with daily highs 90 to 95 and daily lows in the upper 60s.『19words』

16、Junior highs and high schools sponsor their own sports programs and field teams of football, basketball, soccer and tennis players.『20words』

17、Jeff: Speaking simply, the speed of conversion is faster. And the antagonism is stronger. It is represented as "three highs" technically.『21words』

18、We're witnessing the unwinding of the whole dynamic that propelled the stock market (not to mention Manhattan real estate prices) to record highs.『23words』

19、Taking a look at yields, the Canada 2yr overnight curve is only 20 BPS steeper than the US compared to spread highs around 100bps in 2010.『26words』

20、Stockmarkets around the world surged yesterday to record highs as investors increased their bets that the summer's credit squeeze would not trigger a sharp global economic slowdown.『27words』



21、You can use the compressor tool to make the highs and lows a little closer so that the sound is good even from a tiny phone speaker.『27words』

22、Bring up all time periods from monthly highs and lows and weekly highs and lows and see how they stand in the square in relation to the price.『28words』

23、Global wheat and maize prices recently jumped nearly 30% in a few weeks while meat prices are at 20-year highs, according to the key Reuters-Jefferies commodity price indicator.『28words』

24、He said that the producer price index (PPI) is likely to go up in the short term because of increasing production costs. That may see the CPI hit new highs.『30words』

25、Both the Nikkei index and the NASDAQ index had more than 75% retracement from their bubble highs, and both indexes are still far below their all-time highs after the bubbles burst so many years.『34words』

26、Someday the averages will again hit new highs, and by then, the Dow Jones Industrial Average at 8000, the S&P 500 at 800, and the Nasdaq Composite at 1550 will look like stocks were bargains.『35words』

27、Private equity groups are clinching deals that have relatively small takeover premiums to their targets' recent share price highs, a survey will reveal today, adding weight to complaints that investors are being short-changed in leveraged buy-outs.『36words』

28、The well controlled bass doesn't kill the mids and highs commonly seen in cheaper audio setups just be cautious of maxing out the bass to LVL 3... it tends to muffle out the mids and highs just a tad.『39words』

