

1、我们所使用的方法不是严格的。严格(rigor)很容易变成僵尸(rigor mortis),分析(analysis)变成无能(paralysis)。放弃严格,我们来研究自然的和人为的世界,即科学和技术的世界。因此,对于物理学概念,诸如力、功率、能量、电荷和场,你需要有一些(并非很多)理解。『2words』

2、Science has to have some rigor.『6words』

3、Adapting change control rigor during the project.『7words』

4、Creative process freedom balanced with production process rigor.『8words』

5、Ensure discipline and rigor supplier management, material shortage, delivery.『9words』



6、This approach represents the next level of rigor in modeling.『10words』

7、Figure 1: Change control rigor increases as the project progresses.『10words』

8、 He deserves to be punished with the full rigor of the law.『13words』

9、And without rigor in managing architectural change across modeling domains, solutions may quickly become brittle.『15words』

10、It is actually possible that employing AMDD will force increased rigor around the requirements discipline.『15words』



11、Cultural evolution clearly happens, but it's difficult to study with the formal rigor of biological evolution.『16words』

12、His pursuit of clarity of thought and rigor of definition made the questionees confused and dizzy.『16words』

13、Software can be tested at various stages of the development cycle and with various degrees of rigor.『17words』

14、Not every part of the application architecture lends itself to the rigor required by a well-governed SOA.『17words』

15、In order to capture important communication, larger teams must use more rigor and formality in the way they work.『19words』

16、Even so, it seems clear they could do even better if service institutions educated them earlier and with greater rigor.『20words』

17、Most prototyping tools use an interpreted language to specify behavior, allowing for faster development with (sometimes) less rigor and robustness.『20words』

18、This will give rigor to the approach and allow for linking the outcome to the system architecture in an undisputable way.『21words』

19、But the condition of acid hydrolysis was rigor, the nutrient content of product was destroyed mostly, and the sensory properties was bad.『22words』

20、So, if you are to enjoy the rigor and ease of processing with XML, your raw downloaded file has to be converted.『22words』



21、Komanoff's work may not have made him a celebrity, but his rigor gained him a reputation within the rarefied world of traffic geeks.『23words』

22、The problem with rigor and process, however, is that both can easily become a crutch, or worse, used to defend the status quo.『23words』

23、It was necessary that this should be done in one single day on account of the extreme urgency and rigor of events and other key positions were filled yesterday.『29words』

24、In the days after Jackson's death, music critics stumbled over one another to praise him for the way he blended black music and white as well as for the rigor of his stage performances.『34words』

25、However, there is no Buddhist monk team comparable in terms of the order of the organization, the rigor of participation, the concentration of activities, the internal and external identifiability, and the unity of different times.『35words』

26、This work is the first comprehensive study of law enforcement in traditional China. The depth and rigor to which the subject is treated would make it most appropriate for scholars in legal history and East Asian studies.『37words』

27、For personas to be effective tools for design, considerable rigor and finesse must be applied to the process of identifying the significant and meaningful patterns in user behavior and turning these into archetypes that represent a broad cross-section of users.『40words』

28、There is a saying that the one thousand sentence is a writer, which is called literary grace. There is a saying that the one hundred sentence is the speaker, which is called eloquence. There is a ten sentence, a professor, which is called learning. One sentence is a lawyer, which is called rigor.『53words』

