

1、colonial, racist and alien regimes『5words』

2、Technology and improved management regimes are available.『7words』

3、There are two distinct regimes of flow.『7words』

4、second, areas held by Japanese imperialism and its puppet regimes『10words』

5、Social Reproduction and Dominance: Further study on social mobility regimes『10words』



6、Yongli is another Nanming regime after Hongguang and Longwu regimes.『10words』

7、Growth responses of Carex lasiocarpa to different water regimes at different growing stages『13words』

8、EPE looked at the regulatory regimes in the 20 countries with the biggest oil reserves.『15words』

9、And it will probably prompt patent regimes in other countries to become more stringent, too.『15words』

10、This paper introduces the evolution of the foreign exchange rate regimes after the Bretton Woods System.『16words』



11、We often hear today about shaping regimes ? or about changing regimes but what is a regime?『17words』

12、The interaction of national income with exchange-rate regimes in the face of import supply shocks is more complicated.『18words』

13、The process flows and technical regimes of main sequence of barrel nickel plating for steel battery shell were introduced.『19words』

14、This paper is reported the primary bronchogenic lung cancer 252 cases is treated by the THP of principal combination regimes.『20words』

15、After the unification of Qin Dynasty, Sichuan Basin was the area with the largest number of separatist regimes in China.『20words』

16、Tessio said quietly, "In that case I think you should give us permission to recruit new men 'for our regimes.『20words』

17、The free-bound continuum is strongest in the optical regime, whereas the free-free continuum dominates in the radio and infrared regimes.『20words』

18、The capital cities of these frontier ethnic regimes are also an integral part of the ancient capital cities of our country.『21words』

19、The fractal dimension of the fluctuations are lower than 1.5 in all flow regimes besides the annular flow with great gas superficial velocity.『23words』

20、Under the commission's rough plans, companies would adopt a tax base for their EU-wide activities, rather than face a tangle of 27 different regimes.『24words』



21、Your present societies are obligated to mere DE facto regimes, orchestrated by the whims of the dark elites who wish to control you as before.『25words』

22、Prof. QUANDT: Both regimes will be healthier and better regimes for their own people. And ultimately we have a good opportunity to have good relations with them.『27words』

23、Relying on the economic strength of the Guandong area, these regimes confronted the former Zhao, Qin, Western Wei and Northern Zhou regimes that built Chang'an at the same time.『29words』

24、For instance, it is kept informed by its major trading partners of developments in international non-proliferation regimes, and it has bilateral arrangements with 13 trading partners to exchange licensing information.『30words』

25、British politician and prime minister(1937-1940) who advocated a policy of appeasement toward the fascist regimes of Europe. He was forced to declare war on Germany after its invasion of Poland in1939.『31words』

26、In addition to these famous ancient capitals, there are many cities in our country, which have been the capital of one or more dynasties or regimes in a certain region in history.『32words』

27、The paper finds that the OCA criteria provide some guidelines for the choice of exchange rate regimes, and that many variables influence the choice of intermediate exchange rate regimes differently from their influence on that of flexible or fixed regimes.『40words』

28、The Huns of Qin and Han Dynasty, the Turks of Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Ruggas, Xue Yantuo and Tubo and other powerful nomadic regimes entered the Central Plains, pointing to the Guanzhong Plain from the north and West respectively.『40words』

