

1、a barbaric punishment『3words』

2、It is a frankly barbaric tale.『6words』

3、The explorer was killed by barbaric people.『7words』

4、Old rocks and some barbaric chiseling were all.『8words』

5、The way these animals are killed is barbaric.『8words』



6、There will be barbaric darkness for a thousand years.『9words』

7、It's a devastating and barbaric act that defies all comprehension.『10words』

8、Some of the critter's combat strategies seem barbaric or downright bizarre.『11words』

9、The harsh intervals and shrill discords of barbaric music stirred him at times.『13words』

10、His plans were bold and fiery, and his conceptions glowed with barbaric lustre.『13words』



11、At first, some of the critter's combat strategies seem barbaric or downright bizarre.『13words』

12、To punish a man who does not know what he is doing is a barbaric act.『16words』

13、The ravages of conquest and the advent of a barbaric age placed all earning in real jeopardy.『17words』

14、“Stoning as a means of execution is tantamount to torture. It's barbaric and an abhorrent act," he said.『18words』

15、There are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity.『18words』

16、The spire bridge allows travelers to traverse the canyon without running into the barbaric centaur who patrol the canyon floor.『20words』

17、You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. 你看,仍有微弱的文明曙光这野蛮的屠宰场,曾经被称为人类。『21words』

18、writes of crimson deeds and barbaric days- Andrea Parke; fann'd by Conquest's crimson wing- Thomas Gray; convulsed with red rage- Hudson Strode.『22words』

19、 At that moment, the world went back to the barbaric period of chaos, reason was blinded, and my brain was blank.『22words』

20、The Korean nation has an ancient culture, a strong sense of pride in its own history, and is determined to oppose the barbaric new oppressors.『25words』



21、A defected LRA captain reported that Kony would be possessed "two or three times a day" by a cast of rotating spirits, who would issue barbaric orders.『27words』

22、That tendency could be strongly felt in the 'barbaric' arts of early Germanic people, the medieval Gothic art, and works by such Renaissance artists as Bosch and Bruegel.『28words』

23、Generally, in the circle of the historical science, traditional research method seeks for Engles's elicitation of production tools in barbaric elementary stage to judge Engles's attitude towards the nature of this period.『32words』

24、The king's people are only tens of thousands, and everywhere barbaric, not rugged mountains, or the coastal waters, a desolate, but only a county of Han, how can the king compare with Han.『33words』

25、That is, from the beginning of the flood, by Homer's childhood, from the poetic to the profound wisdom of the age of wisdom, and finally back to the barbaric era of the second.『33words』

26、In modern history, the Han nationality has been conquered several times by barbaric and remote minority nationalities, as well as the eight-nation coalition fire Yuanmingyuan, and the Nanjing Massacre of the Japanese aggressor army. Aren't these all evidences?『38words』

27、While the caning punishment meted out to this young delinquent by the court was applauded by many Americans, some media there, nonetheless, called it barbaric and compared it with the inhuman treatment of black American slaves by the white American plantation owners.『42words』

28、Unexpectedly, in order to prevent war, he ordered the collection of civilian weapons, which would cause such a great disaster to the people in the border areas. This matter should be well reviewed. The barbaric people living on the border should be exceptional in order to guard against wild animals and foreign invasion.『53words』

