

1、Limitless life is tedium without resolution.『6words』

2、Every job entails some degree of tedium.『7words』

3、Can abolish tedium and prevent psychological crisis.『7words』

4、It was another day of mind-numbing tedium.『7words』

5、In that case, it will be back to the tedium.『10words』



6、In myself I could observe the following sources of tedium.『10words』

7、Melancholy, weariness, tedium– the reiteration of the note cannot be coincidence.『11words』

8、Unfortunately, after a few months, endless leisure often seems like endless tedium.『12words』

9、For most Web sites, that's worth more than a little bit of tedium and error-correction.『15words』

10、She began to wonder whether she wouldn't go mad with the tedium of the job.『15words』



11、After all, any complicated operation that can be automated is tedium that can be avoided.『15words』

12、Portland defines the command xdg-email, which manages all the common tedium involved in such a task.『16words』

13、If you're smart enough and can stand the tedium, go ahead and fill your poker bots' pockets.『17words』

14、Cut out the tedium of converting your photos manually by using automation features in your photo editing software.『18words』

15、He seems very bored but not sopressed by tedium that he finds the prospect of my company a joy.『19words』

16、Then again, all that is necessary for tedium to triumph is for fascinating men to let their eyes glaze over and nod.『22words』

17、The tedium of everyday existence does not tarnish my view of life, nor does it tamper with my ability to criticize it.『22words』

18、Undoubtedly the very tedium and ennui which presume to have exhausted the variety and the joys of life are as old as Adam.『23words』

19、One reason is the group of tools - written in Ruby - that help to automate a lot of the tedium of coding.『23words』

20、There is a perception that cabin crew – men and women – are fair game and sometimes it can get flirtatious; I guess it relieves the tedium.『27words』



21、Just as being bored by years of monotony is a valuable preparation for life, so is finding out that there's a world of luxury and misery beyond that tedium.『29words』

22、Sceptics about the value of big mergers often turn out to be right: promised synergies never materialise and managers get sucked into the tedium of integrating IT systems and the like.『31words』

23、I find the emphasis on quantity over quality often leads to frustration, boredom, and resentment-there's nothing worse than the mindless, rote tedium of feeling forced to play 90 minutes a day.『31words』

24、Each character goes through the tedium of their lives: May waits in empty houses for prospective clients; Ah-jung hawks his wares while avoiding the police, and Hsiao-kang places fliers in anonymous mailboxes.『32words』

25、I also participate in. Although the heavy limbs, lack of coordination, but take a memory, the life is always quite fun, or else like the weather, people do not know why they are wooden and tedium.『36words』

26、A strapping,energetic man,he finds the tedium of joblessness intolerable.Some people he knows have told him that he has it made—good work when he can get is and money even when he can't.But he calls the unemployment checks"idle money.『38words』

27、A strapping, energetic man, he finds the tedium of joblessness intolerable.Some people he knows have told him that he has it made-good work when he can get is and money even when he can't.But he calls the unemployment checks" idle money.『41words』

28、At 3 a.m., at the Woodlawn subway station on the No. 4 line in the Bronx, tedium has set in. Yet for Barbara E. Rawls, a token clerk for 21 years, fear is always there too. Customers are few and far between, but she scrutinizes each one.『47words』


上一篇:lift up造句,用lift up怎么造句子(28句)