

1、TBV [trust borrower vehicle]『4words』

2、Neither a borrower nor a lender is.『7words』

3、The business sector is not a net new borrower.『9words』

4、Sets the borrower and loan input parameters in the request.『10words』

5、The borrower shall pay the interest at the prescribed time.『10words』



6、Article 36 a borrower should provide guarantee for commercial bank loans.『11words』

7、Also, the borrower cannot trade the eyesight of the god of death.『12words』

8、According to the credit rating agency, Portugal now stands on the brink of junk-borrower status.『15words』

9、If the mortgage is open, the borrower can repay the principal and interest at any time.『16words』

10、This is because the certainty that hedging brings to the borrower also comes at a cost.『16words』



11、Fallingcredit is a sign of a riskier borrower, says a spokeswoman for the CBA, whichwarrants higher rates.『17words』

12、Greece doesn't have its own currency, and so is in the approximate position of a private borrower.『17words』

13、Pledged goods should be sturdily tagged with a note indicating name of pledgor, borrower number, date, collateral number, etc.『19words』

14、Invitation for bid shall be advertised in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the borrower 's country .『20words』

15、A provisions in a bond indenture or loan agreement that puts the borrower in default if the borrower defaults on another obligation.『22words』

16、The interest rates will typically differ by credit grade of the borrower, loan term and possibly more criteria evaluated upon the borrower application.『23words』

17、Notes payable usually require the borrower to pay an interest charge. Normally, the interest rate is stated separately from the principal amount of the note.『25words』

18、Moreover, IO loans are more likely than others to either be repaid early (if the borrower wins the bet) or to default (if the borrower loses).『26words』

19、Banks are indeed mirrors of the economy, so Banks' balance-sheets reflect the fact that the typical Westerner is a borrower and the typical Asian a saver.『26words』

20、A lot of lenders say we have not seen information from that borrower in years, we do not even know if they have a job or not.『27words』



21、Bangladesh, the third-largest borrower of funds from the Bank's concessional lending arm, the International Development Association, is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.『27words』

22、A borrower and a lender sign a contract which states that the borrower will not have to pay more than a specified maximum interest rate on borrowed funds.『28words』

23、It wasn't long ago that China was an IDA borrower. But now China has joined Egypt, South Korea and Turkey as former IDA borrowers that now contribute to IDA.『29words』

24、Where the borrower failed to repay the loan at the prescribed time, it shall pay delayed repayment interest in accordance with the contract or the relevant stipulations of the state.『30words』

25、One type of risk is default risk, that is, the risk that the borrower will simply not repay the loan, due to either dishonesty or plain inability to do so.『30words』

26、If one bank fails to advance its agreed part of the loan to the borrower, then the borrower can only Sue that bank, and the other Banks in the syndicate have no liability.『33words』

27、Because credit lending institutions do not exist, if a farmer has a little savings, he will try to borrow savings to relatives and neighbors in order to obtain interest, the borrower will use part of his land as collateral.『39words』

28、“ The borrower announces that it wishes to issue, say,$ 20 million in bonds to mature in twenty-five years. a single financial institution or a group of financial institutions (called a syndicate) can submit a bid for the entire issue."『40words』


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