

1、I thought his "culture" needed some tweaking.『7words』

2、Once you're finished tweaking, reboot the machine.『7words』

3、Some are tweaking Linux to make their own flavours.『9words』

4、In response, financial firms have begun tweaking their products.『9words』

5、Leave mouse experimentation for when you're tweaking your XF86Config file.『10words』



6、Did you spend three hours tweaking the font of a heading?『11words』

7、He has been tweaking his "convolutional neural networks" (ConvNets) ever since.『11words』

8、Maybe the new version's config file needs slight, or even heavy, tweaking.『12words』

9、Once you're working with the right amount of memory, it's time to get tweaking.『14words』

10、Flexibility: rules can be added or removed easily and don't require tweaking other rules.『14words』



11、This lets us tweak and play with our systems. And we absolutely loo-o-o-ve tweaking our system.『16words』

12、Just keep tweaking it until you're happy, and then copy the end product into the configuration page.『17words』

13、The Washington, D.C. chapter offers workshops on interview skills, resume-tweaking, and how to find a new position.『17words』

14、You can reduce the time and resources spent in indexing by tweaking this to your actual needs.『17words』

15、As we finish up this two-parter, spend a bit of time tweaking the user interface of this application.『18words』

16、As the new chief executive, he says he will try to move into high-margin services, and will consider tweaking the sacred direct-sales model.『23words』

17、Much harder to figure out is which bits of the global architecture need mere tweaking, which need retooling or replacing—and who should have the right to decide.『27words』

18、After that, it's all about tweaking the model to match the reference pic. I also used couple more views other than those three to ensure the accuracy.『27words』

19、Because of the resulting market for link buying and selling (which Google hates), Google might be tweaking its algorithms to give lower algorithmic weight to inbound links.『27words』

20、We'd rather spend time tweaking and balancing one good tanking tree rather than having a tank always wondering if they picked the "correct" tree out of three possibilities.『28words』



21、By tweaking the rate of recovery and allowing you to rest to some degree anywhere in the world, we addressed some of the real issues that players were having.『29words』

22、If researchers can run experiments on an ecosystem, measuring exactly what goes in and out, tweaking different aspects and seeing what happens, then they can better decipher its underlying rules.『30words』

23、Immensely entertaining, the subtle tweaking of images cross over each frame as the water of the impressionist seascape of Monet ripples across the dry vacuity of ink seascape of Heo Lyeon Sochi;『32words』

24、but if tradition holds, Lexus and Metalcrafters are likely to still be tweaking the LF-C concept until just moments before the covers are lifted – a sure testament of Lexus′ pursuit of perfection.『33words』

25、We have reached a delicate part which takes a lot of tweaking to get right, but the main idea is to use a copy of the volume, move it into place and then use the Warp Tool to simulate the curvature.『41words』

26、This map will become the latest test area for the game, so you'll be tweaking it for months to come, but it can serve as a template for your next level which you'll be designing around a different set of winning conditions.『42words』

27、This map will become the latest test area for the game, so you will be tweaking it for months to come, but it can serve as a template for your next level which you will be designing around a different set of winning conditions.『44words』

28、Germany will need to be more creative than that if it is to accomplish what Ms Merkel calls“ squaring the circle”: tweaking the constitutional treaty to make it more acceptable to critics, notably in France, but without obliging the15 member states that have already ratified it to do so again.『50words』

