1、I had trees watered.『4words』
2、Have you watered flowers today?『5words』
3、They watered the thirsty fields.『5words』
4、The wine has been watered.『5words』
5、My mouth watered a little bit.『6words』
6、My horse has not been watered.『6words』
7、I watered the flowers slowly and carefully.『7words』
8、The plants want to be watered daily.『7words』
9、Note that Paul used the past tense"Apollos watered".『8words』
10、The plants want watering [to be watered] daily.『8words』
11、The plants want watering/ want to be watered daily.『9words』
12、All trees must be watered well when they are dry.『10words』
13、Even before the drought, the Sahara was never well watered.『10words』
14、Such deals violate even the watered-down version of net neutrality.『10words』
15、But that philosophy, albeit watered-down, has had a wider influence.『10words』
16、In the past I've often watered down what I say to avoid upsetting anyone.『14words』
17、Disease: Aphids, mealy bugs, powdery mildew, fungal leaf spot, stem and root rot if over watered.『16words』
18、Some consider it vague and already watered down by Germany's opposition to some of Mr. Sarkozy's objectives.『17words』
19、The potted plants on the windowsill were watered every day, and no flowers came out after two years.『18words』
20、Study on Variation of Crude Protein and Total Phosphorus of Leaf Meal from Pennisetum Hybrid watered by biogas slurry『19words』
21、The district where the experiment was carried out was the area watered by the Tennessee River in the U.S.A.『19words』
22、Arum and Roksa placed the blame for students' lack of learning on a watered-down college curriculum and lowered undergraduate work standards.『21words』
23、And, without ever failing in these two respects, he watered his flower-beds every summer evening with a tin watering-pot painted green.『21words』
24、They were indoors in CO2 nano coated tubing and they were watered by CO2 energized water. The others were watered by CO2.『22words』
25、For the emperor's feelings, it was as good as a timely good rain, which watered his heart full of sorrow thoroughly and vividly.『23words』
26、In the evening, when they had watered their cattle and had filled their casks, they were content to sit down to enjoy life.『23words』
27、 In the afternoon, I watered the flowers with the gardener Chen Bo, and helped the craftsmen repair the roof of the Royal Palace Hall.『25words』