

1、A swaggering, cocky manner.『4words』

2、You've been cocky lately.『4words』

3、Be cocky; Get stuck-up『4words』

4、We must never be cocky.『5words』

5、So we mustn't brag and be cocky.『7words』



6、Don't get cocky when you've achieved something.『7words』

7、That's why the Rightists are so cocky.『7words』

8、I don't know why... we were just cocky.『8words』

9、I just met my new boss. He's so cocky.『9words』

10、I don't like our monitor; he's far too cocky.『9words』



11、“Yes, he is rather cocky," Wendy admitted with regret.『9words』

12、He is too cocky, Let's cut him down to size.『10words』

13、Since then, Google's attitude toward Wall Street has grown decidedly less cocky.『12words』

14、I aint mushy I aint cocky I just wanna hear you tell me.『13words』

15、He was too cocky, so I gave him a piece of my mind.『13words』

16、It's rather difficult for a cocky person to be on good terms with others.『14words』

17、To solve the brutal killings, Kingston joins forces with a cocky, young homicide detective.『14words』

18、I later learned that other traders, many of whom took the traditional path, thought I was cocky.『17words』

19、One of Penguin's catches, Joe Nocera, promises "a book for the ages". Not everyone is so cocky.『17words』

20、In addition, women will quickly dismiss a man who they feel is "too cocky" or "too needy".『17words』



21、The trick here is to be confident but not too cocky when it comes to your riding.『17words』

22、I look at you. I don't see an intelligent, confident man. I see a 6 cocky, scared shitless kid.『19words』

23、For the first time, possibly ever, Marcus looked hurt. His shoulders slumped slightly, the cocky, ever-present grin missing from his handsome face.『22words』

24、He was considered cocky,3 predicting the round in which his opponents would fall and waxing4 lyrical about his abilities in the ring.『22words』

25、A cager possesses of not to be conceited by success or discouraged by failure; not becoming cocky with success or downcast over defeat.『23words』

26、On the other hand, since it is easier for those who have not erred to become cocky, they are prone to make mistakes.『23words』

27、It was Saturday evening and Yukio Hatoyama, wearing a Burgundy jacket and a cocky grin, was dancing with his fun-loving wife under the bright lights of a charity fashion-show.『29words』

