

1、athletic games and contests『4words』

2、Take for example contests.『4words』

3、An enclosed yard for tilting contests.『6words』

4、Twenty-one states will hold Republican contests.『6words』

5、The contests for governor are more complex.『7words』



6、Should we just blow up these contests『7words』

7、His favorite was to enter drinking contests.『7words』

8、Festivals abound, often featuring chili pepper-eating contests.『7words』

9、Through the years, controversy has surrounded beauty contests.『8words』

10、The final two contests will air on ESPN.『8words』



11、It was one of the year's ugliest contests.『8words』

12、Enter photo contests. Display your photos at the county fair.『10words』

13、The same day O-nami entered the wrestling contests and won.『10words』

14、Exhibitions and contests: conducting selection, contests, exhibitions and exchanges of excellent industrial designs.『13words』

15、Cheerleaders have their own contests every year at local, state, and national levels.『13words』

16、After many contests, some students said surprisedly, Oh, my God, I can do it!『14words』

17、One didn't know from concrete examples that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred.『15words』

18、All over ancient Greece, athletic contests, dance contests, and horse, boat, and torch RACES were held.『16words』

19、There is a rating system, and sometimes there are contests for designers to augment the collection.『16words』

20、They have allowed me the opportunity to seek jobs in international contests and help me get those jobs.『18words』



21、Quite a few of those contests are "winner takes all" : and Mr McCain is on a roll.『18words』

22、Activities in English are held regularly in our university, such as singing competitions, recitation contests, plays and so on.『19words』

23、If you visit during Mule Day celebrations, you might see mule-driving contests, square dances, horn shows, or even tree cutting competitions.『21words』

24、It is said that dancers not qualified for the final contests in Hunan will participate in the contests in Hubei, Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong.『24words』

25、Gladiatorial contests were staged for his amusement, and bulls, elephants and rhinoceroses were set to fight for the entertainment of the king and his court.『25words』

26、In your experience does a concoction, some blend of activities and tasks, exist, that makes some groups or people more successful than others in fundraising contests『26words』

27、I chose Xiao Hai and Xiao Juan to participate, because Xiao Hai has participated in many speech contests before, and is a veritable old team member.『26words』

