

1、adjourn, dissolve Parliament『3words』

2、Let's adjourn until tomorrow.『4words』

3、The court adjourn for lunch.『5words』

4、Let' s adjourn until tomorrow.『5words』

5、Let's adjourn to the kitchen.『5words』



6、The meeting will adjourn sine die.『6words』

7、They proposed to adjourn the meeting.『6words』

8、We can adjourn this meeting now.『6words』

9、Shall we adjourn this discussion until tomorrow?『7words』

10、adjourn, postpone the debate (the sitting, the discussion)『8words』



11、Motion to adjourn a sit until the following day『9words』

12、adjourn by royal prerogative; without dissolving the legislative body.『9words』

13、I move that the meeting shall adjourn for ten minutes.『10words』

14、A committee may meet and adjourn as it thinks proper.『10words』

15、The committee voted to adjourn the meeting until 2 p. m.『11words』

16、 The judge decided to adjourn to the scene of the crime.『12words』

17、Shall we adjourn to the lounge for coffee if we’ve all finished?『12words』

18、The House ought, in conformity with ancient usage, to adjourn over the Easter holidays.『14words』

19、The committee decide to cancel its law suit, approving the contract, and that it would adjourn the meeting.『18words』

20、After the meeting, we will all adjourn to the Rose Room of this hotel for a buffet dinner.『18words』



21、If the meeting we are holding today should not adjourn but go on and on indefinitely, everybody would be against this, including me.『23words』

22、As we have about thirty minutes for free discussion before we adjourn, professor Robert will be kind enough to answer any questions you may ask.『25words』

23、Debate in the house of commons on a motion to adjourn the sit, used by backbench mps to raise point of particular interest to themselves.『25words』

24、The Swiss government said in a statement that it had decided, "on the proposal of the Defence Ministry, to adjourn the partial replacement of 54 obsolete Tiger F-5 aircraft.『29words』

25、Mr. Churchill was greatly shocked when given the news. It is expected that he will pay tribute to the late President in the Commons to-day, and that the House will then adjourn.『32words』

26、Clause 4:Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.『36words』

27、The Chairman may with the consent of any meeting at which a quorum is present adjourn the meeting from time to time and from place to place, but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place.『52words』

