

1、She plays superbly.『3words』

2、The orchestra played superbly.『4words』

3、Her campaign is superbly organised.『5words』

4、We're doing our job superbly.『5words』

5、Navy, he said, had performed superbly.『6words』



6、This new jet engine is superbly engineered.『7words』

7、Then began a nine-course dinner superbly prepared and served.『9words』

8、Traffic was averagely light and the jaguar performed superbly『9words』

9、The car is superbly engineered and a pleasure to drive.『10words』

10、her voice is superbly disciplined; the colors changed wondrously slowly.『10words』



11、Every man had his own task to do and did it superbly.『12words』

12、The dinner was often a riotous affair enlivened by superbly witty speeches.『12words』

13、He just wants to do his job, and to do it superbly well.『13words』

14、Teresa saw herself rich, superbly attired, and attended by a train of liveried domestics.『14words』

15、I remember the audience bursting into applause after every bout of the superbly choreographed fight sequence.『16words』

16、They've treated my family and I superbly right from day one and we don't have any complaints.『17words』

17、What could have been a disappointing movie rehash turned out to be a brilliantly original, superbly cast masterpiece.『18words』

18、Author Cao Xueqin was truly a creative genius- Story of the Stone is multi-faceted, multi-dimensional, and superbly crafted.『18words』

19、All wolves have feet superbly adapted to long-distance travel over different types of terrain and through (and over!) snow.『19words』

20、Kearney wants to see what is left of God, in the time after God, and he does so superbly well.『20words』



21、The class, as expected, has performed superbly well. If at all possible, please speak more English with your child at home.『21words』

22、It's up to Nani now to play his part, and he has done superbly this season, so he'll offer us width.『21words』

23、They are far more accomplished than I was at their age and without a doubt will do superbly wherever they go.『21words』

24、Although mockingbirds superbly mimic the songs and calls of many birds, they can nonethele be quickly identified as mockingbirds by certain aural clues.『23words』

25、Eugnie looked at Danglars, much surprised that one flower of her crown of pride, with which she had so superbly decked herself, should BE disputed.『25words』

26、Referee Kevin Wright handled the situation superbly and liaised with police and the TV crew - and still ensured there was a 15-minute half time to allow spectators to get their refreshments.『32words』

27、Agger missed the early stages of pre-season through injury but slotted superbly into the centre of the Reds' defence at the Millennium Stadium as Liverpool won their first trophy of the season.『32words』

