

1、A prophet martyr.『3words』

2、The martyr prophet exactly.『4words』

3、Family members of a(revolutionary)martyr『4words』

4、The remains of a martyr『5words』

5、This, apparently, makes him a martyr.『6words』



6、She's a martyr to her nerves.『6words』

7、The state of being a martyr.『6words』

8、 be a martyr for religious conviction; 2.martyrdom『8words』

9、The martyr laid down his life for the country.『9words』

10、to become a martyr to a worthy cause or principle『10words』



11、I didn't take $1.00 a year to be a martyr.『10words』

12、 A simple plaque marks the spot where the martyr died.『11words』

13、An account of the life and manner of death of a martyr.『12words』

14、a Christian martyr of the 3rd century; the patron saint of travellers.『12words』

15、Judging from this gold-inscribed bronze seal, the remains of the martyr should be Mrs. Zuo.『15words』

16、When the police shot the young student, she became a martyr for the democracy movement.『15words』

17、St, a fourth-century Christian martyr, is the patron Saint of England and represents honour, bravery and gallantry.『17words』

18、“You have eternity in which to explain and only one night to be a martyr in the amphitheater.『18words』

19、Mehdi Karroubi, an opposition candidate for president in this month’s election, called her a martyr on his Web site.『19words』

20、English religious reformer and martyr whose translation of the New Testament was the basis of the King James Bible.『19words』



21、In the cemetery of revolutionary martyrs in Hong'an, what impresses you most is a martyr wall engraved with countless names.『20words』

22、Most importantly, Grandma Li is a decent military martyr, even if she is poor and fearless, she is not afraid to provoke.『22words』

23、Abstract: A martyr memorial park, being a place for memorial, tribute-paying and educational activities, is also a composite part of a landscape architecture with its unique spots.『27words』

24、He arrived in Yenan in the spring of last year, went to work in the Wutai Mountains, and to our great sorrow died a martyr at his post.『28words』

25、She was patient--a martyr, indeed but she forebore to pray for enemies, lest, in spite of her forgiving aspirations, the words of the blessing should stubbornly twist themselves into a curse.『31words』

26、When the Warcraft looked at the moon martyr and talked to the cold ink, he thought it was an organic thing to take advantage of. He immediately growled and opened his mouth to the moon martyr.『36words』

27、Jesus is the martyr prophet who's an example for Stephen, or Paul, or all of us who are followers of Jesus, we're all martyr prophets, we're called to be martyr prophets, that's not a ransom for many.『37words』

