

1、“Thanks," he said feebly.『4words』

2、He waved his hands feebly.『5words』

3、burn unsteadily, feebly, or low; flicker.『6words』

4、Burn unsteadily feebly or low; flicker.『6words』

5、The bird feebly beat its wings.『6words』



6、His left hand moved feebly at his side.『8words』

7、I said "Sorry," very feebly, feeling rather embarrassed.『8words』

8、“But, Madame," said Cosette, feebly, "there is no water."『9words』

9、“Nice view," he said feebly, pointing toward with window.『9words』

10、'But I've only just got here,' he bleated feebly.『9words』



11、Our hero feebly answered, 'Yes', and then they stood him up.『11words』

12、Our spinning planet is heated strongly at the equator, feebly at the poles.『13words』

13、Several of them had gone straight to a shady spot on the hillside and nodded feebly.『16words』

14、the lighthouse, flashing feebly against the sleet-blurred, rocky backdrop of the coast of north west Norway.『16words』

15、His feet remain where they are, kicking feebly in mid-air. His hat falls to the floor.『16words』

16、“Cried the sergeant looking up. Our hero feebly answered," Yes ", and then they stood him up."『17words』

17、Norwich could have equalised in the 85th minute but, after they again prised United apart, Morison finished feebly.『18words』

18、Melanie stirred feebly, her hands seeking the baby, and Wade covered his eyes and cowered, too frightened to cry.『19words』

19、In the basket was a litter of blind kittens-all dead save one that feebly mewed and staggered on awkward legs.『20words』

20、An enormous puppy was looking down at her with large round eyes, and feebly stretching out one paw, trying to touch her.『22words』



21、I waited but she did not say any more, and after a moment I returned rather feebly to the subject of her daughter.『23words』

22、They fell over the dirty face of a wounded man who feebly tried to turn his head to escape from their smothering folds.『23words』

23、Greta had promptly let loose a tarry slick of meconium all over Stacy's belly and wailed, her feet swiping feebly in it like a bird in an oil spill.『29words』

24、She stood rooted, unable to move from the position to which she had leaped when she heard his words, staring at the old man who stood feebly waving a letter.『30words』

25、The key point of the part is how the suburb employment centers promote the formation of the multi-central metropolitan area as well as how they cause the central cities feebly.『30words』

26、Xia Ying, with a bitter smile on her withered yellow face like autumn leaves, waved her thin hands feebly in the air and turned towards the car parked in the square in front of Dingling gate.『36words』

27、When I was finally able to get out of bed and feebly creep around the house, the turkeys peeped and cheeped around my ankles, scrambling to keep up with me and tripping over their own big spraddle-toed feet.『38words』

