


2、The moral dilemmas intensified.『4words』

3、These are difficult questions and dilemmas.『6words』

4、Similar dilemmas confront most advanced societies.『6words』

5、To be fair, Mr Paulson faced some dilemmas.『8words』



6、TODAY I'll tackle two of your burning fashion dilemmas.『9words』

7、She concentrated more on the ethical dilemmas of informed consent.『10words』

8、Yet Tim's dilemmas still feel real and his needs sympathetic.『10words』

9、Use self inventories to initiate writing assignments about " character dilemmas.『11words』

10、Extremity vascular trauma poses several difficult dilemmas in diagnosis and treatment.『11words』



11、It is not the first time Britain has wrestled with such dilemmas.『12words』

12、Do you want to "write" a paper on "Hamlet's irreconcilable moral dilemmas?"『12words』

13、Formation of Meizhou as the "City of Football" and its development dilemmas and solutions『14words』

14、Pose these dilemmas to people while they're in an fMRI, and the brain scans get messy.『16words』

15、The reason of Olympic Movement dilemmas is overreaching limit of human subject action, technical application and overexploitation.『17words』

16、Be sure to catch up on overdue correspondence and help those you love find solutions to their dilemmas.『18words』

17、Without lies, you'll face less "dilemmas" in your everyday life - something you and your body will both appreciate.『19words』

18、They also allow you some private time to mull over prickly office encounters or think through tricky work dilemmas.『19words』

19、Pelvic fractures are common in polytrauma and continue to pose dif?cult management dilemmas for even the most experienced clinician.『19words』

20、The moral dilemmas thrown up by calculating per capita consumption are not confined to food. They apply just as acutely to global warming.『23words』



21、Certain of his later novels, while conventional in treatment and unresolved in attitude, shed considerable light on the social dilemmas of Jacksonian America.『23words』

22、Nobody in their right mind can believe such a thing given the facts on the ground, or given these weighty and imponderable philosophical dilemmas.『24words』

23、Allof the dilemmas mentioned above are variations on a common theme: the nature ofa human being and his or her relation to a larger scheme of things.『27words』

24、Nuo Badi has been 35 years old, living in middle-aged funeral music, he often needs the power of fantasy to cope with life in all kinds of dilemmas.『28words』

25、Of course I declined to mention that we have many of the same dilemmas, but hey who wants to give them anything to hold on to at this point.『29words』

26、Taken together, these two dilemmas create a puzzle for moral philosophers: What makes it morally acceptable to sacrifice one life to save five in the trolley dilemma but not in the footbridge dilemma?『33words』

27、After the paper has explored these five topics, it concludes that termination exists political dilemmas, macro and holistic thinking is important, termination immunity is possible, frame reflection is necessary, timing choice is critical, and policy learning through piecemeal is inevitable.『40words』

