

1、I loath sentimental rubbish.『4words』

2、She was loath to depart.『5words』

3、She seemed somewhat loath to depart.『6words』

4、He was loath to be left alone.『7words』

5、He was loath to admit his mistake.『7words』



6、The lovers were exceedingly loath to separate.『7words』

7、The little girl was loath to leave her mother.『9words』

8、Dying patients are not loath to end their lives.『9words』

9、He was loath to surrender his sweetheart to his wife.『10words』

10、He is loath to get out of bed on cold mornings.『11words』



11、Organizers of the Lisbon conference say they are loath to create international rules.『13words』

12、But at least in most places, we remain loath to both cherish and consume whales.『15words』

13、Without the Russian pact, German generals would certainly have been loath to go into military action.『16words』

14、He spent so many unforgettable days with them that he was loath to part with them.『16words』

15、The doctor himself was loath to go, for the Alp had become as a home to him.『17words』

16、But given its hegemonic intent, China is loath to settle on the basis of the status quo.『17words』

17、I'm loath to comment on vulnerabilities of a company that has been incredibly successful in delivering world-class products.『18words』

18、Union chiefs, who sometimes persuaded members to take pension sweeteners in lieu of raises, are loath to surrender ground.『19words』

19、Usually it is the children, not the parents, who are loath to spend their evenings practising spelling and learning times tables.『21words』

20、Experts on advisory panels are often loath to take widely used medicines out of doctors' hands, even when their safety is uncertain.『22words』



21、The next step, which many people are loath to face, is figuring out what to do with their now sharply diminished investment dollars.『23words』

22、Russia is loath to do that, as authorities in Moscow, gravely concerned about potential unrest by disgruntled unemployed workers, try to keep workers on the payroll.『26words』

23、Often, he says, field studies of his gadgets result in "success catastrophes" - the devices prove so popular that testers and their families are loath to return them.『28words』

24、Relying on years of survey data, young Japanese men and women are getting increasingly risk-averse, comfort-seeking, incurious about foreign lands and loath to strap on a backpack to travel rough.『30words』

25、A vast sky that is long to roar tremor, full embody loath and grievous, surprisedly adore an inn don't go of food Fu the Jiu is flurried dispelled merely flee.『30words』

26、Utilities have been loath to publicize the Russian bomb supply line for fear of spooking consumers: the fuel from missiles that may have once been aimed at your home may now be lighting it.『34words』

27、早已知道爱情是难舍难离long ago I began to know that love makes us loath to part早已知道爱一个人不该死心塌地I have also understood for a long time that one should not dead set on someone alone in love早已不再相信所谓天长地久的结局and I have already no longer believed in that so-calle『40words』

