

1、You'd better have something looser.『5words』

2、Your pants will be looser.『5words』

3、如果松绑定(looser - binding)运算符使用紧绑定(tighter - binding)运算符作为*作数表达式,那么优先级是自动处理的。『5words』

4、It's longer and a litter looser.『6words』

5、but looser and less bottled up.『6words』



6、Indeed some countries have looser labor laws than others.『9words』

7、Now looser monetary and fiscal policy is speeding recovery.『9words』

8、My restraint was getting looser. I could move more freely.『10words』

9、Dynamic languages allow looser coupling, making some testing patterns easier to implement.『12words』

10、Willfully chipper, perhaps, barely hiding his hurt; but looser and less bottled up.『13words』



11、Such changes have some worried that the Fed will adopt a looser monetary stance.『14words』

12、Yet the terms of its refinancing for Banks have clearly led to looser monetary conditions.『15words』

13、Without the CSS, there would be no color and a much looser, less organized page layout.『16words』

14、Banks have risen sharply this week on a combination of the prospect of looser regulation and earnings.『17words』

15、If QE cannot spur private demand on its own, combining it with looser fiscal policy may help.『17words』

16、Policymakers, who had cheered looser lending standards on the way up, are now tightening them further on the way down.『20words』

17、He played cat and mouse. In response to my requests he agreed to a looser clause on replacement of weapons.『20words』

18、Together with looser lending standards for other kinds of consumer credit, this led to a radical change in American behavior.『20words』

19、To make a horse's trot longer and bigger, drive forward into a more constant connection. This will make the rib cage looser.『22words』

20、No wonder they feel looser, more spontaneous, perhaps more assertive or funnier or blunter, in the language they were reared in from childhood.『23words』



21、The communities of perennial herb are characterized by consociation with single synusia consisting of pure population, and the structure of bush community appear looser.『24words』

22、Over the course of time, we've become looser in applying the term "mental disorder" to the expectable aches and pains and sufferings of everyday life.『25words』

23、Over the course of time, we've become looser in applying the term 'mental disorder' to the expectable aches and pains and sufferings of everyday life, "Frances says."『27words』

24、After the death of emperor Hanwu, the Han Dynasty implemented a looser policy that there was different status of the monarch and his subjects, but in fact they were brothers.『30words』

25、The side effects of over the counter Orlistat include disruption to bowel habits, such as looser stools. This effect can be reduced if you are on a low fat diet.『30words』

26、That is hard within an ETS controlled by the European Commission: the most Britain can do is argue against the countries (Italy and most of eastern Europe) that want looser emissions caps.『32words』

27、The little traveller was full of the story of his travels, and, with the strain of each repetition, the narrative got looser and looser till it utterly refused to fit into the facts.『33words』

