

1、a genial person, manner, smile『5words』

2、Bob was always genial and welcoming.『6words』

3、He was tall, big-jowled, and genial.『6words』

4、Because I can sleep in the genial bed!『8words』

5、The night before I again saw your genial smile.『9words』



6、He knows how to spot genial smiles on the audience.『10words』

7、Heart of lotus opens, body side of genial breezes walks.『10words』

8、Harry was genial a soul as you could ever meet.『10words』

9、Passepartout smiled his most genial smile, and said, `Never too late.'『11words』

10、At court when conversing with junjor ministers, he looked genial and cheerful;『12words』



11、The fervent heat merely communicated a genial warmth to their half-torpid systems.『12words』

12、Kind and genial is a sympathetic toward performance, oneself usually is a kind of recompense.『15words』

13、Second Daughter-in-law and Third Daughter-in-law exchanged glances, simultaneously wiping the genial expressions from their faces.『15words』

14、The Mammals, as conditions became more genial again, developed and spread to fill the vacant world.『16words』

15、He received his colleagues with the genial air of one who has much to gain and little to lose.『19words』

16、But at last a soft, genial morning appeared, such as might tempt the daughter's wishes and the mother's confidence.『19words』

17、Hung-chien gave her a shocked look.Hope suddenly arose, and with a genial smile, he asked, "How did you guess?『19words』

18、Seeing that, I told the police with a genial smile that the local police chief and I were close friends.『20words』

19、the fervent heat...merely communicated a genial warmth to their half-torpid systems- Nathaniel Hawthorne; set out...when the fervid heat subsides- Frances Trollope.『21words』

20、My beloved wife sends me a genial and warm hug as if I may disappear in the air leaving her arms.『21words』



21、And there are whole sections dealing with such topics as Rectitude (xxix), Sympathy with great Minds (xliv), a genial Disposition (lxxix), and the like.『24words』

22、Armed with a degree, Wang had other career options. But according to the genial New Yorker, once he caught the music bug, there was no turning back.『27words』

23、A steady flow of the coveted weapons spread its genial influence throughout the frontier, and the respect which the Pathan tribesmen entertained for Christian civilization was vastly enhanced.『28words』

24、As when a genial Breeze in early spring shakes open all the peartrees' Blossoms white,/And sombre-looking trees with leafless Boughs are decked with radiance in a single night.『28words』

25、All these ideas are represented in the myth of Apollo, who is therefore conceived in various ways corresponding to the genial radiance of the sun, with all its friendly influences:『30words』

26、They raced for the creek, a good many mu in extent, where as far as eye could see massed lotus leaves reached towards the genial sun like a solid wall of bronze.『32words』

27、Let us keep in mind 1 to tolerate kind and genial and good, take"personal not desire not in person" of classic, treat close relatives, friend and the person of the whole dociles honestly.『33words』


上一篇:split up造句,用split up怎么造句子(27句)