

1、The dense forest screened the guerrilla's movements.『7words』

2、Anyone with diagnosed diabetes was screened out.『7words』

3、The drought tolerance evaluation indexes were screened.『7words』

4、We have screened our house against mosquitoes.『7words』

5、Dark glasses screened his eyes from the sun.『8words』



6、coal-dust( left over after coal has been screened )『9words』

7、All women over 50 will be screened for breast cancer.『10words』

8、Then the hybridoma cell lines secreting high titer of McAbs were screened.『12words』

9、And 14 primers with stable amplification and rich polymorphism for ISSR were screened.『13words』

10、Methods 305 cases of chronic pelvic inflammation patients were screened, detected and analyzed retrospectively.『14words』



11、Patients should be screened for latent tuberculosis, hepatitis b, and HIV infection before beginning therapy.『15words』

12、Subjects were screened for depression, anxiety, and disease severity and were followed for 1 year.『15words』

13、Copper conductor PE insulated braiding screened PVC sheathed braiding screened inspecting equipment and computer control cable.『16words』

14、Copper conductor PE insulated braiding screened PVC sheathed copper tape screened inspecting equipment and computer control flexible cable.『18words』

15、“Most people assume that products have already been screened for health and safety. That's just not true," she said.『19words』

16、OBJECTIVE To explore the incidence of mood disorder in the chronic cervicitis cases which are screened for cancer of cervix.『20words』

17、All submitted films can be screened up to a maximum of four times during the festival unless otherwise agreed upon.『20words』

18、All women over 50 will be screened for breast cancer, because this disease is often found in this age group.『20words』

19、The ASGE encourages all people age 50 and older to talk to their doctor about getting screened for colorectal cancer.『20words』

20、The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all infants should be screened for autism between 18 and 24 months of age.『21words』



21、Three primers were screened and all of them were polymorphic, the band numbers and the fragment length were different in each primer.『22words』

22、The 2605 people were screened. Among the people screened 1045 were the Hui, 961 were the Hun and 560 were the Zang nationality.『23words』

23、Author of the seven part series, JK Rowling, was also in attendance at the event which took over Trafalgar Square and screened at Leicester Square.『25words』

24、Methods Using(local) lesion and leaf discs assay, extracts from 162 medicinal plant species belonging to 78 families in China were screened for antiviral activity against TMV.『26words』

25、The potential of initiating such dialogue in a society reeling from isolationism is also reason enough for many artists to want their work screened in the country.『27words』

26、The most famous Chinese film about strained relations with Japan never to be screened here is the 2000 winner of the Festival DE Cannes' Grand Prix, "Devils at the Doorstep."『30words』

27、A journalist visiting a working archaeological site usually can count on a grand tour of the "dig", a tortured plot of ground covered with grid markers, tools and heaps of dirt waiting to be screened.『35words』

