

1、They can browbeat and cajole.『5words』

2、cajole a person into consent『5words』

3、Can't you cajole her into coming?『6words』

4、cajole sb. out of doing sth.『6words』

5、It is difficult to cajole him into consent.『8words』



6、I managed to cajole his address out of them.『9words』

7、They tried to cajole their daughter out of marrying him.『10words』

8、How can we cajole his father out of punishing him?『10words』

9、You also can use small amount of gel to cajole them.『11words』

10、He would go to him-threaten, cajole, actually destroy him, if necessary.『11words』



11、To persuade or try to persuade by pleading or flattery; cajole.『11words』

12、“That's coffee candy to cajole children with," said Hsin-mei, suddenly understanding.『11words』

13、I am not going to cajole you into the reception of my view.『13words』

14、He will use his fire and fervour to motivate and cajole the troops into a pugnacious frenzy.『17words』

15、For a whole year she has tried to cajole companies to take voluntary measures to promote more women.『18words』

16、I would sacrifice my life, whole, to worship you, in wishing to cajole, the moving eyes of you.『18words』

17、He looked the gipsy over carefully, wondering vaguely whether it would be easier to fight him or cajole him.『19words』

18、She crossed her hands over her breasts, still shy, and so I had to cajole her once more to be less timid.『22words』

19、How then, if at all, can the outside world cajole China in a direction that seems to make such sense for the Chinese themselves?『24words』

20、It must cajole him with freshness, or novelty, or paradox, or humor, or surprise, or with an unusual idea, or an interesting fact, or a question.『26words』



21、VINCE CABLE, the business secretary, whose declared ambition is to break up Britain’s biggest banks, is trying to cajole these leviathans into lending more to growing companies.『27words』

22、In the country to find a young, certainly have to cajole, dotes, had wanted to find a homely wife, and have actually found a mother for the up.『28words』

23、With Pluto acting up too, you may find you have to cajole a partner to approve your home-related plans, only adding a bit more stress to the picture.『28words』

24、The old maidservant shut the door and hurried back to cajole Ah Ch'ou, "Don't make a fuss and greet Eldest Uncle like a nice boy.Eldest Uncle will give you candy."『30words』

25、A group of people just climbed out, another group of people can not wait to get in, some impatient people began to cajole, do all kinds of pranks, the crowd rioted.『31words』

26、'the most painful part is that we mothers can warn, cajole and plead with them but by the time they're in their twenties, we're hard-pressed to change their minds,' she says.『31words』

27、The governments that are party to the conflict, in Iraq and beyond, are several steps removed from the actual killing: all they can do is to cajole others to cajole the armed groups.『33words』

