

1、The vultures are Mowgli's friends.『5words』

2、vultures picking at a lion's carcass『6words』

3、hawks; Old World vultures; kites; harriers; eagles.『7words』

4、The vultures were already circling around the dead animal.『9words』

5、any of several large vultures of Africa and Eurasia.『9words』



6、The vultures are afraid but Mowgli is not afraid.『9words』

7、For thirteen minutes the vultures are in a feeding frenzy.『10words』

8、They are all vultures round the bedside of the dying millionaire.『11words』

9、McDonald's is delighted at the prospect of feeding hungry culture vultures.『11words』

10、Black vultures, once just vagrants this far north, thrive in New Haven.『12words』



11、You hear that , vultures , we forfeit . let ' s go.『13words』

12、Having laid their eggs, these plucky birds face airborne attacks from skuas and vultures.『14words』

13、With no buyer in sight for the company as a whole, the vultures started to circle.『16words』

14、Human vultures who ran sweatshop factories in firetrap tenements were all too willing to take crippled workers.『17words』

15、And they have many notable virtues. They're the most cooperative and the most social of all vultures.『17words』

16、As you say, creditors are roosting in trees like vultures waiting to swoop down on anything valuable.『17words』

17、As the first cut is made, the vultures crowd closer; but three men with long sticks wave them away.『19words』

18、chiefly diurnal carnivorous birds having hooked beaks and long talons with opposable hind toe: falcons; hawks; eagles; ospreys; caracaras; vultures.『20words』

19、After a signal is sent off, the ravenous vultures swoop down and peck at the flesh and the bones scattered around.『21words』

20、Even if all does go well, though, it could take 15 years for the country to become safe for wild vultures.『21words』



21、Most impressive, though, was a pair of lappet-faced vultures, which have a wingspan of 10ft and are the largest birds in Oman.『22words』

22、In just the last three months, the Peregrine Fund has found hundreds of dead vultures near animal carcasses that had been laced with a toxic pesticide called furadan.『28words』

23、There shall the great owl make her nest, and lay, and hatch, and gather under her shadow: there shall the vultures also be gathered, every one with her mate.『29words』

24、It's all corpses. If there's anything alive, it's the ravens, vultures, eagles, jackals and wild dogs. Is that enough? No, there are weird creatures that don't know their names.『29words』

25、Not so in winter, yet the bare trees against the backdrop of a cloudless blue sky, punctuated by vultures riding the thermals, provided a stark beauty all of its own.『30words』

26、The vultures were on the usual tree, and the train was rattling across the bridge, and the river flowed on - here it was very wide, very quiet and very deep.『31words』

27、In those early days of 1864, no newspaper could be opened that did not carry scathing editorials denouncing the speculators as vultures and bloodsucking leeches and calling upon the government to put them down with a hard hand.『38words』

