

1、Ancient, dusky rivers.『3words』

2、The dusky rows of tomatoes.『5words』

3、the dusky light of the forest『6words』

4、A dusky blush rose to her cheek.『7words』

5、Gold earrings gleamed against her dusky cheeks.『7words』



6、A of the celestial dusky in the winter.『8words』

7、A dusky blush rose to her cheek(Edith Wharton.『8words』

8、dusky black duck of northeastern United States and Canada.『9words』

9、At the dusky day, I went to a tooth.『9words』

10、The situation with the dusky seaside sparrow makes one thing very clear.『12words』



11、Before long, here comes the wreck, dim and dusky, sliding along down!『12words』

12、Like a slim reed of crystal a fountain hung in the dusky air.『13words』

13、The dusky salamander lives only in slow-moving streams where organic debris settles and accumulates.『14words』

14、It's evening. The lamps emit their dusky light that are parallel with the white dots on the highway.『18words』

15、So, to Ursula's ear, the tune fell out, drop by drop, from the unseen sky on the dusky town.『19words』

16、active lizard having a network of dusky dark markings; of semiarid areas from Oregon and Idaho to Baja California.『19words』

17、How can it compare to the allure of a deep cherry red or the dusky indigo of a blueberry?『19words』

18、Six boys and five girls, lithe and thin, their skin dusky from the sun and a film of dust and ash.『21words』

19、Well, one dusky day in autumn, the ugly girl was sitting by the fire, when there came a knock at the door.『22words』

20、Therefore, it is probably the increased flow caused by suburban development that is responsible for the dusky salamander's virtual disappearance from New York State.『24words』



21、He opened his eyes upon the dusky evening in a cool and shaded room, the silence only broken by the rumbling of wheels at a distance.『26words』

22、They are very tender to each other at dusky street-corners, and Towlinson has visions of leading an altered and blameless existence as a serious greengrocer in Oxford Market.『28words』

23、She gazed concernedly at the dusky fingers she held in her own, and also at her dress; which she feared had gained no embellishment from its contact with his.『29words』

24、Gliding across the dusky sky, the craft startled locals and frightened air-traffic controllers, who promptly closed Hangzhou's busy airport and locked down the city's airspace for more than an hour.『30words』

25、Philosophically considered, therefore, the two passions seem essentially the same, except that one happens to be seen in a celestial radiance, and the other in a dusky and lurid glow.『30words』

26、Saint Antoine had been, that morning, a vast dusky mass of scarecrows heaving to and fro, with frequent gleams of light above the billowy heads, where steel blades and bayonets shone in the sun.『34words』

27、She made the sombre crowd cheerful by her erratic and glistening ray, even as a bird of bright plumage illuminates a whole tree of dusky foliage by darting to and fro, half seen and half concealed amid the twilight of the clustering leaves.『43words』

