

1、Hypocrisy double-dealing innuendo and character assassination.『6words』

2、The dialogue was all filth and innuendo.『7words』

3、This innuendo means is not a gentleman.『7words』

4、The song is full of sexual innuendo.『7words』

5、Their chat and opinion programs spread innuendo daily.『8words』



6、That sounds like an innuendo, but unfortunately it's not.『9words』

7、The president was brought down through gossip and innuendo.『9words』

8、He has always been innuendo by the news circles.『9words』

9、An apparently innocent statement may be defamatoried if it contains an innuendo.『12words』

10、Denial-innuendo effect: people tend to positively believe in things that are being categorically denied.『14words』



11、This clearly refers to mulberry scolding, innuendo, take the opportunity to vent their discontent.『14words』

12、“My findings carry no implication or innuendo about the conduct or motive of MPs," Legg wrote.『16words』

13、Madge Wildfire was not so absolutely void of common sense as not to understand this innuendo.『16words』

14、This thesis discusses emphatically the constitution of innuendo speech act in novels: reference act, narrative act, disparaging act.『18words』

15、Business is conducted slowly. The Dutch are detail-oriented and want to understand every innuendo before coming to an agreement.『19words』

16、There were volumes of innuendo in the way the "eventually" was spaced, and each syllable given its due stress.『19words』

17、Someone who can help me deal with the endless gossip and innuendo that people are spinning as the truth.『19words』

18、“ There were volumes of innuendo in the way the "eventually" was spaced, and each syllable given its due stress.『20words』

19、The perlocutionary act of innuendo speech act indicates that innuendo speech act has a stronger pragmatic force and obvious later effects.『21words』

20、Maybe so-though it is hard to argue that Polish political life will benefit from yet more months of leaks, innuendo and suspicion.『22words』



21、While performing the innuendo speech act, there are other essential conditions: the possible existent characters, innuendo intention and readers that share the same contexts.『24words』

22、For example, in Bethel v Fraser in 1986, the court said a school was allowed to punish a student who gave a speech bursting with sexual innuendo.『27words』

23、We swear off any more rumor and innuendo about staying alive in the Carmelo Anthony sweepstakes and just concentrate on getting Tom Thibodeau's defensive principles down pat.『27words』

24、In other words, they provide the leverage women need to pry open those closed doors and boldly stride through - without fear, without innuendo, and without repercussions.『27words』

25、With Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference about to kick off in San Francisco, the usual rumors, innuendo and sheer guessing of what CEO Steven Jobs is about the reveal is well underway.『31words』

26、After his death, his family put out a statement that he had been an 'honest businessman' who never had a chance to defend himself against a 'relentless attack of innuendo and false allegations.'『33words』

27、Casanova (BBC One) stars Leslie Phillips as an attractive, charming man who almost always gets his way with women, and speaks largely in innuendo (" do you happen to know the Ding-a-Ling Club? ").『34words』

