

1、The train rocketed by.『4words』

2、Unemployment levels have rocketed .『5words』

3、He rocketed to stardom overnight.『5words』

4、Prices have rocketed this year.『5words』

5、He almost rocketed out of his seat.『7words』



6、The car rocketed out of a side street.『8words』

7、The bank's shares rocketed 6.7 percent to 44.96 dollars.『9words』

8、Coal suddenly rocketed this railroad flag stop into industrial importance.『10words』

9、As more British people learned to read, newspaper sales rocketed.『10words』

10、The bullet hit a rock and rocketed with a sharp whine.『11words』



11、Academic pay rose and spending on the stuff that motivates many of them-that is, research-rocketed.『15words』

12、Prices have rocketed; they are now higher in real terms than at any time since 1984.『16words』

13、But his digital album sales rocketed from 233, 000 in 2009 to 485, 000 in 2010.『16words』

14、During last decade's tech bubble they held insurers and energy companies as the Nasdaq rocketed upward.『16words』

15、However, his addiction of the bubble-tea does have one positive contribution: the drink's popularity has sky-rocketed.『16words』

16、The Appolo astronauts rocketed to the moon in a dramatic show of technological muscle during the cold war.『18words』

17、The number of nests in the west London boroughs has rocketed from 700 in 2007 to 2,100 last year.『19words』

18、Since 2008, the company's shares have rocketed 10.6%, compared with a 46.4% tumble for Wendy's and a 35.9% drop for Burger King.『22words』

19、the song of bullets was in the air; the song of the wind; the wheels sang their song as the train rocketed ahead.『23words』

20、Quagliarella's market value sky-rocketed this season after13 goals for Sampdoria in Serie A and a brace against Lithuania in his first Azzurri start.『23words』



21、The price of bringing a container from the Kenyan port of Mombasa to Kigali has rocketed, pushing up the already inflated price of imports.『24words』

22、China has rocketed up, thanks to the wise action that we fully made use of the rich human capital in the past 30 years.『24words』

23、Hudson, 27, rocketed to fame during the third season of American Idol, and went on to win an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in Dreamgirls.『29words』

24、The ball rocketed more than 300 feet off the ground, and far beyond the right field roof of the Giants' Polo grounds-a blast later estimated at 475 feet (144.8 metres).『30words』

25、He kept an "outperform" on Skyworth from late February to the end of the year, as the stock rocketed 1,253 per cent in value and outperformed industry peers by 1,174 per cent.『32words』

26、At the height of the Yugoslavian war, Bosnian Serbs rocketed the base for the foreign media- the television station in the Bosnian capital Sarajevo-- in a deliberate act of intimidation which caused many casualties.『34words』

27、He rocketed to success, gaining several scholarships, making the Dean's List five times at HKUST and once at UC Berkeley where he participated in a student exchange, and receiving an honorable mention and a gold award in the President's Cup 2002 and 2004, respectively.『44words』

