

1、strident in their demands『4words』

2、strident color or excessive ornamentation.『5words』

3、a loud harsh or strident noise.『6words』

4、Denunciations will only grow more strident.『6words』

5、His strident voice rang through the house.『7words』



6、The telescreen had changed over to strident military music.『9words』

7、Demands for his resignation have become more and more strident.『10words』

8、blatant radios; a clamorous uproar; strident demands; a vociferous mob.『10words』

9、Why have the Chinese shifted from strident opposition to muted acquiescence?『11words』

10、a harsh and strident sound (as of the grinding of gears).『11words』



11、Those games saw a previously strident Arsenal pick up only one point.『12words』

12、Its vowels include plain pharyngealised strident and breathy and they carry four tones.『13words』

13、It was a strange, strident cry - a flare of light in an old flickering life.『16words』

14、The string of women in patterned headcloths had begun to sing, their strident voices rising and falling.『17words』

15、The way that the song ends, with repeated screams from Yorke, after a very strident guitar led interlude.『18words』

16、In the 45-minute telephone interview Thursday night, Ms. Stone was at first strident and then contrite about her remarks.『19words』

17、The Okinawans, however, will do their best to keep their strident opposition to the base in the public eye.『19words』

18、Although it only spells out China's initial bargaining position, the strident stance will encourage other developing nations to take tougher positions.『21words』

19、The language in Ballmer's latest letter was markedly more strident than in his first letter to the Yahoo! board, dated Jan. 31.『22words』

20、Ms Marcegaglia’s criticism of the Berlusconi government became increasingly strident in the summer as the prime minister ignored calls to appoint a new industry minister.『25words』



21、Many Americans vociferously opposed sending Mr Megrahi back. In unusually strident language, Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, said it would be “absolutely wrong” to free him.『27words』

22、He issued strident pronouncements on the welfare state (it puts Germany in peril of "late Roman decadence," he said) but seemed adrift in the nuanced world of diplomacy.『28words』

23、Restricting foreign assistance has led to strident calls by western governments to pressure the military to allow more foreign aid into the worst affected areas in the Irrawaddy Delta region.『30words』

24、There was more political art on view in these Emirati shows than you would ever see at the Basel Art Fair or Venice Biennale, some of it even quite strident.『30words』

25、To fill the boredom and emptiness you have to revile and slander with even more stridency. Once those strident words leave your mouth your feeling of boredome and emptiness will increase.『31words』

26、History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.『32words』

27、As he listened to her, there rang in the ears of his memory the harsh cries of barbarian women and of hags, and, in lesser degrees of harshness, the strident voices of working women and of the girls of his own class.『42words』

