


2、Hens feed by pecking.『4words』

3、The hens are pecking the com.『6words』

4、The cock is pecking at the hen.『7words』

5、He knew his place in the pecking order.『8words』



6、Be aware of your pecking order in the arrangement.『9words』

7、There are no big changes in the pecking order.『9words』

8、Therefore, the global pecking order among financial institutions is shifting.『10words』

9、Like many tribes, however, companies have a strict pecking order based on age.『13words』

10、It is difficult to train pigeons to escape from a certain situation by pecking.『14words』



11、Solution No. 3: Recognize that emerging markets are a constantly changing new-world pecking order.『14words』

12、Holding it with one hand meant the same index-finger pecking you do on the iPhone.『15words』

13、Clinical Observation of Sparrow-pecking Acupuncture Needling in He-gu on Supranuclear Paralysis Dysarthria,A Report of 30 Cases『16words』

14、It seems envy at being lower in the social pecking order tarnishes the satisfaction of being well off.『18words』

15、Two studies by management consultants show that they dramatically rearranged the pecking order of companies in many fields.『18words』

16、This is because the office is organized by pecking order. People with more years and experience are given more responsibility.『20words』

17、But the dramatic changes in the pecking order mask a lack of more profound change in the system of finance itself.『21words』

18、Motorists would rather pay more tax than lose the place in the corporate pecking order conferred on them by their company cars.『22words』

19、After some more investigation, he discarded the stick and carried on pecking at the snake more confidently—apparently convinced that it wouldn't move.『22words』

20、Professor John Brookfield, a specialist in evolutionary genetics at the University of Nottingham, told the UK Press Association the pecking order was clear.『23words』



21、The main hall in front of the left and right two white Enta, groups of pigeons in the space between the two peckingpecking, laughing.『24words』

22、If the programmer thinks of the user as just another input device, it is easy to forget the proper pecking order in the world of software design.『27words』

23、The Moroccan international has found himself behind the prolific Robin van Persie in the pecking order for the majority of this season, starting in just one Premier League match against Stoke.『31words』

24、If Rick Adelman and Daryl Morey want to know exactly where their team stands in the Western Conference pecking order, they will certainly have a good idea at the end of November.『32words』

25、 Carved beams and painted buildings, eaves and teeth pecking high, the courtyard outside the study running water, pavilions and pavilions, lovely small Orioles stopped in the branches to make a pleasant sound.『33words』

26、The purpose of making friends with celebrities is to share celebrities, while sharing coveted, as soon as the wind blows, it will inform and make waves, instantly pecking the celebrities around the scars.『33words』

27、I felt like a chicken pecking at the shell, with its sharp little mouth, constantly pecking through the shell, and finally one day stretched out his feet, wings, jumped out of the shell, saw a green.『36words』

