

1、To cry weakly;whimper.『3words』

2、David's crying subsided to a whimper.『6words』

3、Compare cry, sob, weep, wail and whimper.『7words』

4、Some of us whimper along life's way.『7words』

5、Children whimper with fear or in complaint.『7words』



6、The sick puppy's whimper made me sad.『7words』

7、The child was lost and began to whimper.『8words』

8、The condemned prisoner cowered and began to whimper for clemency.『10words』

9、If he starts to whimper, I'll just harmonize with him.『10words』

10、Japan's efforts to tackle these problems have resembled a big whimper.『11words』



11、I am listening for a cry or a whimper from upstairs.『11words』

12、I was listening for a cry or a whimper from upstairs.『11words』

13、Jessica began to whimper softly, and Susan took her from Dad's arms.『12words』

14、Suddenly, I heard the whimper, looked down the hollow and noticed the bonfire.『13words』

15、 Just as I was panicking to turn off the phone, the woman answered it with a whimper.『18words』

16、The woman then muttered a "whimper" and stopped talking. There seemed to be three points of grievance in her air.『20words』

17、The demise of GM had been expected for so long that when it finally died there was barely a whimper.『20words』

18、The trees around the four flickered in the wind, making a whimper sound. At this time, a voice caused my attention...『21words』

19、“It's a very ticklish business, Mr. Steger," put in the manager, yieldingly, and yet with a slight whimper in his voice.『21words』

20、The demise of GM had been expected for so long that when it finally died there was barely a whimper. Wall Street was unmoved.『24words』



21、Then it spotted Zhu! Like an arrow launching from the bow, it charged straight for him! Chu was petrified. He was too scared to even whimper.『26words』

22、The Patronus dissolved into nothingness. RON let out a noise between a whimper and a groan and dropped onto the sofa: Hermione joined him, gripping his arm.『27words』

23、In ONE of the ramshackle tent cities that have sprouted in open Spaces all across Port-au-Prince, Isa Longchamp, a dishevelled and dejected eight-year-old girl, starts to whimper.『27words』

24、In Mr Bergman's films, characters would often be silent, or scenes would unroll with no sound but the whimper of wind, the drip of water or, especially, the tick and chime of watches and clocks.『35words』

25、You are always this way, Ma, you always take the pain without a single whimper, he thought. You may have fallen ill yesterday or even the day before, but you didn't tell us, didn't even cry out at night.『39words』

26、Just like the story behind the sky hiding behind the clouds, it will be clear after the rain of the mood. When you are happy, you can see the rainbow after the rain. When the heart is sad, the thunder is also whimper『43words』

27、At climactic moments, television somehow picked up the chanting of the supporters outside, but there was barely a whimper from the pockets of blazers within who were flitting back and forth from the executive lounge, their attention as much on the match as it was on the drinks table and buffet.『51words』

