

1、That might bring temporary respite.『5words』

2、take a respite from one's work『6words』

3、She continued to work without respite.『6words』

4、have a brief respite from one's work『7words』

5、Caregiver support interventions (e.g. stress management, respite care).『8words』



6、There was no respite from the suffocating heat.『8words』

7、His creditors agreed to give him a temporary respite.『9words』

8、Reward yourself with respite breaks often, advises the National Family Caregivers Association.『12words』

9、This plan enabled the oiler and the correspondent to get respite together.『12words』

10、The results of this study are particularly important in designing respite care programs.『13words』



11、Massaging wrist, it can relieve and respite the pain on wrist and should.『13words』

12、Our parks and pocket gardens provide respite for the busy office worker and homemaker as well.『16words』

13、The world provides no respite for an American president, especially one already as burdened as this one.『17words』

14、I was very glad to see both, for they gave me a respite from my loomy thoughts.『17words』

15、Wearily the Confederates lay on their arms and prayed for respite and rest. But there was no rest.『18words』

16、Even so, a short morning stroll was enough to leave your jean-clad correspondent longing for some chilly respite.『18words』

17、At midnight my temporary respite from blindness would cease, and permanent night would close in on me again.『18words』

18、In June 1943 the beaten remnants of the U-boat fleet ceased to attack our North Atlantic convoys, and we gained a welcome respite.『23words』

19、There was a respite at any rate, which made the timid little Amelia almost as happy as a full reprieve would have done.『23words』

20、There was some respite earlier this week, but only because a few figures—on American retail sales and Chinese factory production—were not as dire as feared.『25words』



21、She stoops and bends with no respite to pick the scattered stalks, and may muster together as much as one peck (ten litres) in one wheat-gathering season.『27words』

22、Japan's notoriously overworked salarymen are receiving no respite, with the number of companies paying overtime in arrears reaching a record high despite the country's longest postwar economic recovery.『28words』

23、As the study in the Journal of Applied Psychology puts it, if you care about the well-being of your employees when they go away for a respite, leave them alone.『30words』

24、Jenny Herring, a Des Moines financial writer, usually walks or bikes for respite from the fulltime job search she began in June, after being downsized as part of the subprime mortgage fallout.『32words』

25、* launching a pilot project to introduce a respite service, which will allow families to place their elderly parents in day care centres temporarily so that the families can attend to other business.『33words』

26、But fate had it otherwise and all I could do was envy the laughter and playtime that seemed to be going on all around me. There was no respite from my professional life.『33words』

27、The two wives had always been on bad terms, but when it came to household affairs they were in complete accord. They agreed, for one thing, never to allow the servants a moment's respite, and both disliked seeing the servants eat.『41words』

