pass out造句,用pass out怎么造句子(27句)

pass out造句,用pass out怎么造句子

1、pass out of one's memory.『5words』

2、Did I pass out in here?『6words』

3、I think I am gonna pass out.『7words』

4、You'll soon pass out of childhood into manhood.『8words』

5、I will go some day before I pass out.『9words』

pass out造句,用pass out怎么造句子(27句)

pass out造句,用pass out怎么造句子

6、I just... I wish I knew how I pass out.『10words』

7、He would pass out if he took one more drink.『10words』

8、If he took one more drink, he would pass out on us.『12words』

9、In another, the instructors pass out pencils and the children begin to draw.『13words』

10、She suffered from a disease that caused her to pass out at school.『13words』

pass out造句,用pass out怎么造句子(27句)

pass out造句,用pass out怎么造句子

11、Be overcome by a dizzy spell at a Bathhouse; pass out at a Bathhouse『14words』

12、I'm going to cut the lecture there because I want to pass out the final exams.『16words』

13、It doesn't mean you have to take them out and drink with them until you pass out『17words』

14、Distribute flies, pass out brochures or issue press releases will also help to create a company image.『17words』

15、To pass out bravely and cleanly, with a smile and a jest—ah! that would have been the way.『18words』

16、Over the internet, I now hear stories of other people making their peers pass out by reading it aloud.『19words』

17、He told me I should be a man and suck it, swiftly smacking my head, causing me to pass out.『20words』

18、I hope I don't pass out while I'm asking this question, so — my question is actually about health care.『20words』

19、Seriously, if you can't think of a clever, compact way to make people remember your points, just pass out a goddamned outline.『22words』

20、Finally the large woman can't take any more. Her face is a bloody mess. She's starting to pass out. She releases the hold.『23words』

pass out造句,用pass out怎么造句子(27句)

pass out造句,用pass out怎么造句子

21、In the 15th century, when it was built as the town house of the Medici family, this was truly a place to make you pass out.『26words』

22、She was in pain. She was very tired and I felt like she might pass out or something like this. I was very scared for her.『26words』

23、If God was around, he'd rather I eat a bag of Doritos and pass out than get drunk, beat my wife and piss on the couch.『26words』

24、Increased range for weapons. From 35 yards to 41 yards at Max level is amazing. If you pass out on this, you should pass hunter class entirely.『27words』

25、Long tubes connected to the needles pass out of the chamber and into a second room where the executioner or executioners, most often chosen by the prison's warden, await further orders.『31words』

26、Photo: a pair of sisters dressed as a grape and a carrot pass out plates to Senate staffers in Washington, D. C., with a message urging them to pass a nutrition bill.『32words』

27、But if, in your fear, you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure., then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing-floor, into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.『53words』

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