

1、a large variety of conch.『5words』

2、More consciously passing the conch.『5words』

3、I can't even eat a baby conch『7words』

4、The cuttlefish and conch have similar ancestors.『7words』

5、Why don't you ask the magic conch?你为什么不去问问神奇海螺呢?(ノ△??。)『7words』



6、The signal of synergy is the trembling conch sound.『9words』

7、Roger took the conch and looked round at them gloomily.『10words』

8、“I be as hard and old as a conch shell,".『10words』

9、I have two home collections conch, for more than a decade, good.『12words』

10、When we are happy to play when a colorful conch attracted me.『12words』



11、What is he pointing at? oh, he sees crab and conch under stone.『13words』

12、His ordinary voice sounded like a whisper after the harsh note of the conch.『14words』

13、If I blow the conch and they don't come back, then we've had it.『14words』

14、Famous Shandong dishes include sweet-and-sour carp, braised conch in soy sauce and lotus flower prawns.『15words』

15、The waves receding, the beach would leave the beautiful shells and conch, many simply can even count.『17words』

16、Gold-plated rope chain with enamel pendant in conch shape, set with crystals in various colours; lobster clasp.『17words』

17、Monks in orange robes offer flowers and food to the gods and produce haunting sounds on conch shells.『18words』

18、Haiyun Chromatic conch Craftwork Lamp Manufactory, which is absorbed in producing and trading, is mainly dealing in conch series.『19words』

19、But a conch has to carry a heavy shell wherever it goes and its size is limited by the shell's size.『21words』

20、The spider conch (Lambis chiragra), a gastropod mollusk with six fingerlike projections sticking out of its shell, is one of these seabed dwellers.『23words』



21、In Lord of the Flies, the characters overcome a similar problem by instituting a rule that whoever has a designated conch shell gets their turn to talk.『27words』

22、The Belize Barrier reef is one of the most diverse reef ecosystems in the world, home to whale sharks, rays, and manatees as well as sturgeon, conch and spiny lobsters.『30words』

23、Every spring, when the clouds and fog gather conch at shallow doors and other beaches, the sound of the grunts is often clearly heard as they pass the mountain road.『30words』

24、There is a stone mantle in the cave, with numerous fossils of coral, shells and conch embedded on it. According to measurements, hundreds of millions of years ago, this place was once the seabed.『34words』

25、The mountain is about one thousand and five hundred meters high. The conch on the top of the hill tells the old mulberry trees in the sun. People stand at the foot of the mountain and look up.『38words』

26、Various aquatic animals and plants in the river are extremely abundant, and the water and grass are rich and beautiful. There are large fish, small fish, loach, eel, shrimp, soldier and crab, turtle king eight, conch and shellfish, etc.『39words』

27、When the tide rises, these rocks are submerged in the sea. When the ebb tide falls, the sea water recedes far away. It can retreat for several kilometers, and the reefs will be exposed. The scallops, conch and other marine products brought by the tide will remain on the rocks.『50words』

