

1、a dearth of information『4words』

2、The dearth and death of little sisters.『7words』

3、time of dearth; lean year; hard times『7words』

4、Incomplete ascension will lead to disease and early dearth.『9words』

5、Farmers have long griped about a dearth of competition.『9words』



6、And the data dearth doesn't necessarily stop with publication.『9words』

7、One is the dearth of firm taxing and spending policies.『10words』

8、When it comes to mathematics, there is no dearth of computer software packages.『13words』

9、There is also no dearth of bars, bistros, cafes, and of course, pubs.『13words』

10、What's more, as demand returns, customers are finding a dearth of new hotel rooms.『14words』



11、In sum, technology has given us this surfeit of calories and dearth of energy expenditure.『15words』

12、The dearth of care is most evident when it comes to individuals who commit violent crimes.『16words』

13、Many single women bristle at the stereotypes. The problem, some say, is a dearth of worthy bachelors.『17words』

14、There has been a lot of talk in recent days about a dearth of international class English strikers.『18words』

15、One of my grad students complained about the dearth of electives, but a classmate countered, "Of course we have electives.『20words』

16、Two years ago, Rupert Murdoch's daughter, Elisabeth, spoke of the "unsettling dearth of integrity across so many of our institutions."『20words』

17、Long frustrated by the dearth of makeup in the U. S. for Asian complexions, Susan decided to fill the void.『20words』

18、Given a dearth of tools for separating the wheat from the chaff, social entrepreneurs are left with long menus of advice.『21words』

19、There is, however, no dearth of technological resources, rather, managers in the service sector fail to take advantage of widely available skills and machines.『24words』

20、I was struck by the dearth of material available in astrology on same sex relationships or indeed on any aspect of homosexuality in astrological literature.『25words』



21、The southern province of Dong Nai is experiencing dearth of workers, particularly in footwear and textile-garment industry even though the region has a high unemployment ratio.『26words』

22、In many respects, the dearth of moral purpose frames not only the fact of such widespread phone hacking but the terms on which the trial took place.『27words』

23、The dearth of terrestrial infrastructure has a direct impact on the ability to deliver life-giving supplies, indeed where something as basic as blood is not always available for timely treatment.『30words』

24、One broad area of agreement is that ample “liquidity” encouraged the lax lending that led to bad mortgage debts, and a sudden dearth of it helped to precipitate the crisis.『30words』

25、Military cemeteries are preferred but, given that pacifist non-aligned Sweden hasn't been involved in any conflict in more than two centuries, they've a dearth of war heroes and battlefield casualties.『30words』

26、This hangover not only leaves its mark on the dearth of top management for the industries, but also rears its head when it comes to the quality of its universities' leadership and tutorship.『33words』

27、Point to dearth of training data and low quality of training data,which is the main obstacle of Chinese word clustering,a Chinese oriented algorithm is presented in this paper. First,the context similar degree of a word is used as the distance measure of the word;『44words』

