

1、the sunlit painted meadow『4words』

2、a sunlit garden, scene, landscape『5words』

3、Dream that sleep is a sunlit meadow.『7words』

4、Sweet the rains' new fall sunlit from heaven.『8words』

5、flowering meadows; a flowery field; a bloomy sunlit slope.『9words』



6、Every sunlit hour, I looked forward to love's fulfillment.『9words』

7、Claire looked longingly at the sunlit gardens outside the window.『10words』

8、Her house has two big sunlit rooms with floor-to-ceiling windows.『10words』

9、She sat silent, and the world lay like a sunlit valley at their feet.『14words』

10、the sunlit slopes of the canyon; violet valleys and the sunstruck ridges- Wallace Stegner.『14words』



11、At the daytime, the trees are sunlit and become a visual part of the interior.『15words』

12、Two travelers took up their bags, took up their weapons and left the small sunlit space.『16words』

13、The dragonfly flapped its wings and took off in flight, doing loops and spins through the sunlit sky.『18words』

14、It was a dream that she wandered in sunlit places, where the air was scented with violets and roses.『19words』

15、Life is not a long slow decline from sunlit uplands towards the valley of death.It is, rather, a U-bend.『19words』

16、The young teacher came to his new office in the fresh sunlit morning and was filled with happy thought.『19words』

17、1.A beauty is dressed in mourning white.; 2.(said of a sunlit snow scene) to clad in white, adorned in red『20words』

18、After several long moments - or it might have been half an hour - or possibly several sunlit days - they broke apart.『23words』

19、Solid part of orbit shows where the satellite is sunlit, and the dashed part where it is in the Earth's shadow and invisible.『23words』

20、What food there is takes the form of bits of organic debris drifting down from the sunlit surface waters, thousands of meters above.『23words』



21、In many parts of the world summer is a warm, beautiful time of the year. (1) The long, sunlit days make it great to be outdoors. (2)『27words』

22、Designed for a young family of four, the home will start as a summer house and expand into the sunlit basement to ultimately function as a permanent residence.『28words』

23、Down the paths of the old ways he went, finding his direction by candles of sunlit frost melting upon the grass of summer and the red leaves of autumn.『29words』

24、The Samson is tiny moving among the vast floating islands of rock. Bansheerays and other smaller flying species circle next to the cliffs in the sunlit shafting between the clouds.『30words』

25、Any that sinks below the sunlit top layers will hang around in the depths for a long time, thanks to the colder temperature and greater density of the deep water.『30words』

26、Countless fine literary works appeared that reflected the true lives of people and eulogized the beauty to be found in humanity. It was like tears of morning dew breaking into sunlit smiles.『32words』

27、But I'd travel faster with you just the same, was what he wanted to blurt out, as he caught a vision of a world without end of sunlit spaces and starry voids through which he drifted with her, his arm around her, her pale gold hair blowing about his face.『50words』

