

1、The initial signs were modestly encouraging.『6words』

2、Liènarde modestly cast down her eyes.『6words』

3、Microformats have been modestly successful within specific areas.『8words』

4、“I understand but one," replied the cat, modestly.『8words』

5、The wine list is well-rounded and modestly priced.『8words』



6、“Very beautiful, sir," replied the girl modestly,"is it yours?"『9words』

7、Each group contains both highly and modestly profitable firms.『9words』

8、They should thoroughly rid themselves of this influence and modestly study Marxism-Leninism.『12words』

9、Wang Rong volunteered to do it and said modestly, "I'm not self-sufficient!"『12words』

10、The company has been modestly profitable for much of the time Ford has owned it.『15words』



11、A responsible Christian citizen modestly models their values and principles that are based on the Bible.『16words』

12、The market bottomed out in 2002, then recovered modestly before hitting the summer doldrums in 2003.『16words』

13、“You really must be very good at what you do."—"I suppose I am," Kate said modestly.『16words』

14、It is also a way to avoid ignorance that we should consult more modestly and not be self-righteous.『18words』

15、In this Special Feature, we argue that the dollar may continue to strengthen modestly alongside higher US interest rates.『19words』

16、Unemployment has therefore crept up only modestly, by around a quarter of a million, to a rate of 8.2%.『19words』

17、On the office's modestly sized LCD screen helo one-grainy and black-and-white-appeared above the compound then promptly ran into trouble.『19words』

18、Sales of micro and subcompact cars of all engine sizes rose only modestly in the first 11 months of 2007.『20words』

19、This was driven primarily by growth in export orders (+ 13 per cent), with domestic orders rising more modestly (+ 9 per cent).『23words』

20、Some food items may come down modestly as commodities prices cool off; others might not budge a cent and some may actually increase.『23words』



21、Even in Canada, where the output of PhD graduates has grown relatively modestly, universities conferred 4,800 doctorate degrees in 2007 but hired just 2,616 new full-time professors.『27words』

22、People who gobble down their food and eat until they feel full are three times more likely to get fat compared with people who eat slowly and modestly.『28words』

23、Newton's was unquestionably a mind of the very highest order, and yet, when asked by what means he had worked out his extraordinary discoveries, he modestly answered, "By always thinking unto them."『32words』

24、There is a kind of person who is still abhorrent and has shortcomings that he does not understand. Others not only do not accept his opinions modestly, but become angry and threaten revenge.『33words』

25、While even the modestly educated sought an elevated tone when they put pen to paper before the 1960s, even the most well-regarded writing since then has sought to capture spoken English on the page. 『35words』

26、In Here, I hope to have a chance to interview sincerely, if have the honor to be covered with assenting, seek advice modestly with my always rigorous attitude towards study, wish to learn me, serve your company.『37words』

27、In order to get the things he loves, he never hesitates to eat and drink. In order to study the bottom of the things, he makes friends with the common people and consults them modestly in order to get more information.『41words』

