

1、Maternal Memoir as Eco-memoir『4words』

2、His memoir is called "My Grandfather's Son".『7words』

3、The President's memoir disinterred a past era.『7words』

4、“Babysitting George" is a memoir of their unusual relationship.『9words』

5、She said she'd read my memoir about my transition.『9words』



6、Don't you think it's too early to publish a memoir『10words』

7、His 1998 memoir is a delightful trip down memory lane.『10words』

8、She was at camp, and there was a copy of Mrs. Wilson's memoir.『13words』

9、Perhaps he is afraid it will eat into sales of his forthcoming memoir.『13words』

10、In 1998,her memoir,"Personal History,"was a No.1 best seller and won the Pulitzer Prize.『13words』



11、But he relies heavily on Heller's own memoir and the published observations of others.『14words』

12、Reportedly, we will find out the answer when Gabrielsson's memoir is published, next year.『14words』

13、This memoir of her childhood gives a personal account of a shameful episode in American history.『16words』

14、Palin's memoir, Going Rogue, will be published on 17 November and is already in the bestseller lists.『17words』

15、In her memoir, Klein offers a relentlessly funny yet poignant take on her journey to womanhood and beyond.『18words』

16、Dr Nathanson's deeply personal memoir of what led a lifelong atheist and abortion crusader first to the pro-life cause.『19words』

17、He wrote memorably about his Buffalo upbringing and his father's influence on him in his memoir Big Russ and Me.『20words』

18、But there's no question that her memoir is destined to be one of the most talked-about books of the season.『20words』

19、This turns his book—billed as “part memoir, part political polemic”—into a jumpy diatribe against everyone who has contributed to Israel's self-deception.『21words』

20、Origin, destiny, years are still deeply entangled, holding a waiting that will never be realized, with a memoir written with youth.『21words』



21、In the third chapter, he has been featured in many teaching cases in several cases, shows his unique and exciting and happy classroom memoir.『24words』

22、The piece, adapted from Chua's just-released memoir, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, is now at the center of a raucous global debate about parenting, identity and family.『28words』

23、For example, I at least want to publish one novel and one memoir, the best would be to be able to make the top ten of the best seller's list.『30words』

24、He cited Ishmael's confession near the beginning of his memoir of the 1995 Bosnian peace talks, "to End a War" : "as for me, I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote."『34words』

25、For example, in his memoir the Chevalier claims that while living in Switzerland, ha was very wealthy, and it is known that he spent a great deal of money there on parties on gambling.『34words』

26、In 1998, the Hong Kong Geological Survey compiled a new 1 to 100000-scale geological map of Hong Kong and a 1 to 20000-scale solid geological map of Sheet 4 (Kat O Chau), as well as publishing a memoir on the geological landscapes of Hong Kong.『45words』

27、In order to insure the content was detailed and true, this book adopted some ways of copying, clipping etc, and widely quoted many historical data, such as corpus, memoir ,biography, unofficial history, note and chorography and so on. so the book has extensive, valuable, objective historical data.『47words』

