

1、The Tories' timing is canny.『5words』

2、Britain's Tories want to copy the CBO model.『8words』

3、One is simply that the Tories are against it.『9words』

4、Even Wales, a Labour heartland, was lost to the Tories.『10words』

5、The Tories are expected to win next year's British election.『10words』



6、It's a dead certainty that the Tories will be re-elected.『10words』

7、Gut feeling tells many Britons the Tories are best-suited to this job.『12words』

8、It has worked. The Tories are now as trusted as Labour on health.『13words』

9、Mr Cameron set out to rebrand the Tories as kinder and greener. It worked.『14words』

10、The Tories will have to supply a more comprehensive prospectus than they have so far.『15words』



11、On balance, the Tories are probably right to return day-to-day supervision to the Bank of England.『16words』

12、But the incumbent is standing down, and polls suggest a fight between the Tories and the Greens.『17words』

13、Keeping the records of those who have done nothing wrong undermines the traditional presumption of innocence, the Tories say.『19words』

14、This "differentiation" began when Mr Clegg seized an unmissable chance to rough up the Tories over a botched health reform.『20words』

15、Many Tories have long yearned to tame theBBC, which they think is riddled with liberal bias, and now scent theirmoment.『20words』

16、In private, Tories gloat that the process may take perhaps 20 seats off Labour and all in the name of fairness.『21words』

17、Others say the Tories may do better to rely on their established strengths: their reputation for economic management and Mr Cameron's prime-ministerial qualities.『23words』

18、Since the advent of Thatcherism, Tories had not questioned the power of rational incentives to shape human behaviour; hence their implicit trust in the market.『25words』

19、Indeed, a specific aim was to introduce more rigour and transparency into a system the Tories believed had been undermined by Mr Blair's casual approach.『25words』

20、I hope I'm wrong and Clegg really will tame the Tories—but I'm braced for this movie turning into One Shotgun Wedding and A Bloody Long Funeral.『26words』



21、The very word has an unhappy ring in Britain: just now, lots of Lib Dem voters feel compromised by coalition with the Tories, and not in a good way.『29words』

22、Meanwhile, the Tories’ hostility towards him betrayed an intolerance of dissent, with some hotheads privately pledging to depose Mr Bercow if, as expected, the Tories win the next general election.『30words』

23、Even if they lose MPs (and many of their southern ones are vulnerable to the Tories), they need only hang on to third place for Mr Clegg to remain kingmaker-in-waiting.『30words』

24、Some Lib Dems, and indeed some Tories, believe that the most likely result in 2015 is a repeat of 2010: a hung Parliament in which the Tories are the biggest party.『31words』

25、After rebranding themselves as a party that could see beyond the market to social and environmental concerns, the Tories have had to re-rebrand themselves as sober stewards of a ruined economy.『31words』

26、His two rivals are appalled (refreshingly for the Tories, one of them, Ruth Davidson, is a lesbian kick-boxer); various big donors are threatening to cut their contributions if Mr Fraser gets his way.『33words』

27、But while other Tories may have only a limited role in projecting the party message, at least at a national level, they have a bigger, negative capacity to inflict embarrassment and harm on the cause.『35words』

